Example sentences of "[noun sg] will normally [vb infin] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For the benefit of the clients , and also for the orderly conduct of the promotion , the agent will normally supply a table of steps , setting out clearly the various procedural steps required by the General Orders , in chronological order , and showing who precisely will be responsible for each step ; most of the steps are taken by the agent , but in some cases local newspaper advertisement and local service is undertaken by the client .
2 On an application for a licence , the applicant will normally attend the court .
3 Should you have any difficulty , a word with your Club rep will normally do the trick .
4 In addition to , the purchaser will normally base the price on the assignment or novation of all contracts and provide that the price reduces on an agreed formula if any consents are not obtained within a specified period .
5 The purchaser will normally require the vendor to warrant that the report is accurate in all material respects and that there are no facts omitted which make the report misleading .
6 We have just seen that a non-resonant photon will normally leave an encounter with a molecule unchanged in energy , but it may very rarely lose energy to the molecule and emerge as a Raman-shifted photon of lower energy .
7 If the parties had agreed that each consignment was to be separately paid for , the court will normally construe the contract as severable .
8 The court will normally require the reduction of capital to be advertised .
9 The sub-contractor will normally make a request for interim payment and raise a tax invoice for VAT purposes on completion of the work .
10 One assignment will normally necessitate the production of a continuation sheet .
11 The builder 's surveyor will normally remeasure the work executed by labour and material sub-contractors , who may agree the measurements on site or alternatively submit a formal invoice or payment request for the builder 's surveyor to check and approve .
12 In the case of an adult , a warning notice will normally discharge the duty .
13 If the situation is one where the receptionist believes that the guest may try to leave without paying , the receptionist will normally advise the proprietor of his or her fears and the decision will then be the proprietor 's .
14 In addition , opposition has its say , in the normal way , on any government motion and a government will normally accommodate a censure motion by the opposition allocating a day to its debate .
15 The Government will normally have a majority and even if defeated , can reintroduce the measure and pressurise its supporters to defeat the motion .
16 Industrial safety legislation will normally confer a right on persons employed .
17 The contract will normally include a date for completion .
18 For example , a company 's budget will normally detail a sales budget for a period whilst the published accounts will show sales for the year .
19 Answer guide : The master budget will normally represent a summary of the individual functional budgets of the organization as a whole .
20 However , there is one important exception , namely that the Panel will normally waive the obligation if a Whitewash is obtained ( see para 8.5 below ) .
21 The police officer will normally accept the information on the insurance certificate at face value and if the certificate shows ‘ comprehensive ’ cover , this automatically includes ‘ third party risks ’ .
22 A well-drafted agreement will normally include a provision , known as a ‘ proper law ’ or ‘ governing law ’ , which is along the following lines : ‘ This agreement shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the Laws of England . ’
23 The underwriting agreement will normally impose an obligation on the offeror to notify underwriters at that stage of the numbers of shares they will be required to take up , assuming the offer becomes unconditional .
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