Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [vb pp] [prep] the public " in BNC.

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1 An example of the former ( Fig. 9.1 ) was advertised in the press on 31 May 1988 when 400 million of 2 per cent index-linked stock was offered to the public .
2 The museum was opened to the public in 1977 and a number of publications on the collection have been written to date .
3 The office run by Oxfordshire county council was closed to the public while police carried out forensic investigations .
4 If the prospectus is issued to the public a foundation meeting must be held within sixty days from the last date for subscription .
5 ‘ Recently this has become known as sustainable tourism , and the key to it lies in co-operation , and once again the festival is presented to the public through the dedication of many individuals and the commitment of its sponsors . ’
6 ‘ If a colour is rejected by the public , we weed it out .
7 According to the Office of Fair Trading , around 4,000 complaints a month are made by the public concerning home repairs and improvement companies .
8 My argument thus far is that medicine bases its claim to be a profession on several grounds and that its claim is honoured by the public on similar grounds .
9 Making buildings safe and clearing debris will have to be completed before general access is granted to the public , possibly by 1995 .
10 His latest success winning a £1.8m contract for his DMB Contractors to re-paint and refurbish London 's Tower Bridge was brought to the public 's attention courtesy of the Government 's Central Office of Information .
11 Consumer borrowing advice was offered to the public by the Citizens Advice Bureaux to be found in towns all over Britain .
12 Once installed , he wrote , it will start to do its work , and it will go on doing it , in the day-time , in the night-time , in the midst of visitors and in the empty silence , when the mausoleum is open to the public and when the mausoleum is closed to the public .
13 The attempt failed and no warning was given to the public .
14 In Stenner v. Taff-Ely Borough Council ( The Independent , 25 May 1987 ) , the Court of Appeal held that a local authority which employed a gymnastics coach at its leisure centre was not liable to the plaintiff ( a friend of the coach ) , whom the coach had permitted to use the gym at a time when the leisure centre was closed to the public .
15 The West Green House and garden were closed to the public in April so that work could begin on a two-year restoration programme of the garden .
16 Some bureaux manage to staff a line while the bureau is open to the public , others can only offer telephone advice when the bureau is closed to the public .
17 In privatization the ownership of an organization is transferred from the public to the private sector — and this theoretically changes one defining characteristic of the organization ( see for example the discussion by Beetham ) .
18 One of the most spectacular sights in the world of wildlife was opened to the public for the first time tonight .
19 Seven years ago the garden was opened to the public , together with two others in the village , as a local fundraising event .
20 The Hayward case underlines the importance of the way in which the story is presented to the public .
21 On the saint 's two feast days , in May and September , the phial is shown to the public and handled by the Archbishop , whereupon the congealed blood liquefies .
22 Greenwich Park is closed to the public , but there is limited car parking around Blackheath .
23 The Lancet is known to the public as one of the world 's leading medical journals .
24 It was the failure of domestic rates to take any account of the number of people living in a property which , above all , led to the system being rejected by the public as an acceptable means of raising local government revenue .
25 Since the advent of mass electricity is one of the most striking features of the inter-war years , the project pays close attention to the manner in which these innovations associated with this phenomenon were viewed by the public .
26 Increasingly , the Prime Minister was seen by the public to be working against political trends , both at home and abroad .
27 Even the recipe for George Washington 's mother 's gingerbread allegedly found " in an old worn cookery book " dated 1784 , of which the first item on the list of ingredients is ½ cup of margarine , could be said to be honest in the sense that it is candidly admitted that margarine is what is actually now used in the kitchens at Claverton Manor , the American Museum near Bath where both the gingerbread and the leaflet giving the recipe are purveyed to the public .
28 In the immediate post-war years , supp lies of white or yellow nylon parachute material were released to the public .
29 Still being restored , over half the Catherine Palace is closed to the public .
30 The carpets were laid on a Sunday when the Palace is closed to the public .
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