Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [adv] [prep] [art] corner " in BNC.

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1 If you achieve this , then a record deal is just around the corner , and you will have earned yourself a strong negotiating position which should enable you to sign the deal you want and not the first deal that is offered .
2 My car 's just round the corner . ’
3 But , times are moving on , local government review is just round the corner , and erm , we see that grant maintained schools of course are coming along .
4 Home Rule was just around the corner .
5 Daylight was just around the corner however , but by the time daylight did arrive , although she and her pride were very much certain that she 'd see Vendelin Gajdusek in hell before she ever spoke to him again , certain other practicalities had entered her head .
6 But now that retirement is just around the corner we are all really looking forward to spending more time there .
7 THE Bank of England last night sank lingering Tory hopes that the recovery is just round the corner .
8 Labour has campaigned strongly on its £1 billion ‘ recovery package ’ while Mr Lilley , a firm believer in Thatcherite non-intervention , has had to rely on promises that recovery is just around the corner .
9 We , we actually lived in th the corner shop is right on the corner if you 've come up High street on the bus and your Co-op would be on that corner , your church and your Co-op 's on the corner , and just turns there and I only lived just down that street , so we never had to have it delivered because we just popped up er and my brother and I , I can so remember us going with our two big bags you know and we , you know how you do when families meet you know and he 'll say that 's the time , because dad , we never knew dad hit us and yet you 'd of thought he was , we , we were so scared it must have been his voice you know , that he erm that we was so scared that everything was all correct from the Co- op .
10 He believed that the government had lost credibility , first by denying that any recession ever existed , then by claiming it was only minor , then by claiming that though perhaps it was severe the recovery was just around the corner .
11 Marsh Lane police station is just round the corner from the Strand where they abducted him , ’ a middle-aged man said .
12 Children in need night 's just around the corner , so come into Radio Nottingham soon and purchase your Pudsey .
13 And er ooh what was the name , there was a grocery shop and then there was a , a confectioner 's right on the corner of erm er is it called , that leads off in , into It only , only a short street , there 's no houses in it actually .
14 For years articles like this have been heralding the ‘ impending ’ arrival of a new British Standard for plain clay roofing tiles : good news was just around the corner .
15 Equally , however , there are respected industry commentators who are certain that the first agreed takeover of a building society is just around the corner .
16 However , Gav 's biggest collar is just around the corner .
17 However , Gav 's biggest collar is just around the corner .
18 However , Gav 's biggest collar is just around the corner .
19 If the Doors comparisons are to be believed — which they are not — success is only around the corner if the amount of hype for Oliver Stone 's movie is anything to go by .
20 A panda will eat meat if the opportunity arises , but it seems the attitude is not one of a hunter — the effort seems to great when the sun is warm and a cosy spot for a nap is just round the corner .
21 But a new row was just around the corner .
22 Caricature was just around the corner .
23 John Dunlop 's filly has yet to find the target this season but her four-and-three-quarter lengths fourth to Only Royale in the Aston Upthorpe Yorkshire Oaks last month suggested that her turn was just around the corner .
24 This is painted just before the war , and it 's interesting to compare it with a painting by the court painter , William Dobson who worked in Oxford during the war , his studio was just around the corner in the High Street , because that 's Rupert very much at the end when things were going badly wrong for him , erm and it 's unfinished , perhaps because Dobson was beginning to run out of paint , and the experts at allow , and I think just that face tells the whole story about tension and unhappiness , Dobson 's an interesting painter , one of the first English painters who sort of get to the top in this way , and he painted a lot of the cavaliers at Charles ' court , erm this is Sir John Byron who clattered down the main street at St Aldate 's , before the king even arrived before the Battle of Edgehill , the one that caused trouble for John Smith , erm and he was very much a swash-buckling character , but he did n't spend a lot of time in Oxford later , but he was there enough to have his portrait painted .
25 The hotel is just around the corner , maybe a few corners , but almost no distance .
26 In the early stages of the Depression he relied on optimistic statements to keep people 's spirits up — " prosperity is just around the corner " he said in 1930 — and on gaining the voluntary co-operation of business leaders in maintaining employment and wages .
27 As it turned out , rather too much excitement was just around the corner .
28 The malais began to think a triumph was just around the corner .
29 When Sir Eric was appointed Rector in 1985 everyone was congratulating themselves that the financial squeeze on the universities , which had lasted 15 years , was now at an end and that stable funding was just around the corner .
30 Your dentist is only round the corner from where you work though is n't it ?
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