Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [pers pn] have ever seen " in BNC.

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1 Can you imagine the worst American teen corn movie that you 've ever seen !
2 One of the most impressive examples of one-room living that I have ever seen was in a long , narrow space approximately 7.5 m by 3 m ( 24 ft by 10 ft ) .
3 A few evenings on this field , which had previously seemed barren , produced : crotal and rumbler bones ; medieval and Georgian buckles ; fifty copper coins ( 17th to 19th century ) ; buttons , a 17th century spoon ; a piece of 18th century watch fob ; and the smallest barrel lock that I have ever seen .
4 Lucy sat on the tiled floor of a shower cubicle in the bathroom of the most expensive-looking hotel suite that she 'd ever seen , hugging her knees , shivering despite the temperature of the water that beat down upon her .
5 I have returned from the toughest trial that I have ever seen I he had already been wounded , for the third time , near Douaumont on February 25th ] — four days and four nights — ninety-six hours — the last two days soaked in icy mud — under terrible bombardment , without any shelter other than the narrowness of the trench , which even seemed to be too wide ; not a hole , not a dugout , nothing , nothing .
6 She was the loveliest girl that I 'd ever seen in my life , and her voice was like music .
7 He called the interpreter , who gave no sign that he had ever seen me before , and began asking me questions .
8 ‘ This is the worst attempt to derail a train that I 've ever seen . ’
9 I was a bodyguard for a little while — not a very successful one , really , I was the weediest bodyguard that you 've ever seen , but I was hired to look after the Sheikh of Quatar — she 's a female .
10 There was a wild storm , and with it came the most frightening thunder and lightning that I have ever seen in my life .
11 My heart pounds , and my throat closes up with fear when this happens , but they have so far beaten a hasty retreat after a selection of Anna 's words , not to be found in any A-level vocabulary book that I 've ever seen .
12 This is the first show of Cooper 's dedicated exclusively to this medium that I have ever seen and it impresses me as providing the ideal means for her to achieve that tenuous balance between coy decorativeness and crude primitiveness which she uses successfully to convey the psychological weight of a figure 's gesture .
13 . That is the crappiest house that I 've ever seen .
14 It was the most powerful affirmation of strength and military prowess that I had ever seen , and I found it completely fascinating .
15 But when is he going to give an ounce of credit to the Government for having set up the TECs , for having put in place the instrument of the training revolution that is now taking place in this country , and for having taken the most imaginative step that we have ever seen in our training history ?
16 It was the first time that I had ever seen the inside of a police cell .
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