Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [pron] have actually [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 We th to rehearse a little bit of the debate we had last time on speed cameras , th there was erm discussion about who should fund the camera themselves because being a , the Department of Transport and Home Office recommendation , that they should be funded by the police , but because of Mr 's question at full Council and the wish of this committee to spend some of this additional money if you like , or in ninety three four for safety related measures , it was thought wise to combine the two and actually try and fund a trial er package of speed cameras cos it 's , it 's about six sites and one camera , from the ninety three four budget that we 've actually found .
2 It was odd enough to see that rather feminine room crammed full with so many stern , dark-jacketed gentlemen , sometimes sitting three or four abreast upon a sofa ; but such was the determination on the part of some persons to maintain the appearance that this was nothing more than a social event that they had actually gone to the lengths of having journals and newspapers open on their knees .
3 So it 's in the Fire Service that we 've actually got time posted , and in fact most of the things that we wish to charge for we 're actually statutorily prohibited from doing .
4 Because that written report is your evidence that they 've actually taken information , analyzed it , and come back to you with a solution .
5 There is no evidence that he has actually coached his chosen club but one feels that he has spent a lifetime imbibing its history .
6 A poet may heartily dislike having to talk about his verse but the knowledge that someone has actually read it is never unwelcome .
7 Lush , however , are in a celebratory mood — we were the only band to be paid and boasted all night that we 'd actually headlined Lollapalooza .
8 I felt as if half of Sheffield expected us to get to Wembley so it is a relief that we 've actually done it . ’
9 And that by all means , take them in in due course , but it 's when they can fit into the economic jigsaw that we 've actually created .
10 Thank you very much , I 'm sure the committee would like to join with me to congratulate you both on the survey and on the very interesting report that you 've actually provided .
11 erm from my recollection the main problem with it is for the most part , I think , these self-build projects , where they 've been erm pursued in other places , have used land which was not otherwise utilizable , and that 's the way that they 've actually reduced the price of the finished house .
12 There is a small possibility that she had actually met such a person .
13 Well it 's actually just basically the team it 's a new position that they 've actually made within each team now , within each division which is like , you 're dealing with higher accounts but a different type of account as well .
14 I paused before replying to her , because if you pause before replying to people it gives them the foolish idea that you 've actually listened to what they 've said , and I said of course darling .
15 Yeah , I worked with a voluntary group for a while and I remember helping one lady go through , she was raped , and go through the courts , and all her past life was brought up , I mean I was so upset for her and yet the fact that he had actually raped twice before was n't brought up , but her past life was brought up and the man actually got off in the end because she just could not cope with being on the stand and dealing with it all and it was just so terrible that , that , that the , the ina ,
16 The second thing it does is highlight the fact that you 've actually got to put names in there , because this is next week .
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