Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [verb] rise [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 One hundred and fifty-five years on from Darwin 's marital dilemma , the major pre-occupation that gave rise to the organization of the conference to which this paper is submitted , is a marriage of a different sort : the study of history and the use of information technology .
2 It was probably this practice that gave rise to the popular image of witches flying on broomsticks .
3 It was this provision that gave rise to the loophole sought to be exploited by B.C.C.I. depositors .
4 Indeed , traditional archivists devote much time and resources to providing users with a description of the administrative framework that gave rise to the generation of a particular record or class of records .
5 It was , however , an issue that gave rise to an enormous emotional reaction on both sides .
6 Similarly the companion should have no tax liability as it is presumably the disposal of an interest in his/her main residence that gives rise to the receipt of £34,000 .
7 In the American government more consideration was devoted to Korea between 1943 and 1945 than might have been anticipated , although without an outcome that gave rise to a smooth and considered implementation of policy at the end of the Pacific War .
8 In addition Lewis argues that since the name " hashishi " is local to Syria as a term of popular abuse , it was " in all probability the name that gave rise to the story , rather than the reverse " .
9 And West Ham was not the only predominantly working-class area that gave rise to a political authority seemingly remote from popular allegiance .
10 We have seen that the visual areas of the prestriate cortex recode image properties into properties of the object that gave rise to the image .
11 The main outstanding issue in perception , including visual perception , concerns the processes that combine information about the attributes of a particular scene into a representation of the object that gave rise to the image , sound or pattern of touch .
12 2.2 Section 1(2) ( c ) of the 1934 Act expressly stated before amendment that where the act or omission that gives rise to the cause of action results in death the damages are to be calculated without reference to any loss or gain to the deceased 's estate consequent on his death , except that a sum in respect of funeral expenses may be included .
13 The central problem with which holism has to deal — the problem that gives rise to the holist view I shall now examine — can be very simply expressed .
14 It was held that a one-off purchase , and sale three months later , of land that gave rise to a profit was not trade assessable for Schedule D income tax .
15 It is possession of this kind of power that gives rise to a distinct need for justification , and which forms the basis for the claim that companies must be required to act in the public interest .
16 Although the global hypsometric curve provides a valuable statistical summary of the Earth 's relief as a whole it is also necessary to identify the major components of global morphology that give rise to the curve ( Fig. 2.4 ) .
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