Example sentences of "[noun sg] it [is] [adv] unlikely that " in BNC.

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1 As a result it is highly unlikely that a party with a serious commitment to any substantial change in the institutional form of the market would ever get elected as it would be portrayed and perceived as being ‘ too extreme ’ .
2 It was crucial to his remarkable success in winning the nomination of his party ; without that asset it is most unlikely that he would have secured his narrow victory over Gerald Ford , but it was his insistence on remaining an outsider in spirit that limited his accomplishments in office .
3 However the constraints are such that without new legislation it is extremely unlikely that this is an option open to the Catholic sector .
4 Of course it is extremely unlikely that EVERYONE will start loving the Jesus way , but that 's no reason why YOU should n't start .
5 Nixon 's ambitions were to crash on the rock of Watergate , but even without that disaster it is most unlikely that he would have come even close to fulfilling his mandate , In that , he would not , by any means , have been alone .
6 He said it was a very sad case but he added that if the Harrises do n't pay up this time it 's most unlikely that their eviction will be postponed again .
7 At this stage I take the view it is very unlikely that there 's anything in this expert evidence that will be of the slightest assistance to me and I 'm not going rule it out .
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