Example sentences of "[noun sg] to the use of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 These price increases will not be brought in unless and until compensation schemes for individuals and rural communities which have no alternative to the use of cars are ready to be introduced .
2 The impact of cuts was dulled by a return to the use of rates as a source of funds and , in some cases , a shift to increasing income from charges .
3 In 1694 he paid to Rith Young £34 : 0s. : 4d. , and to John Allam 11 and to Mr. Whinforth for " powder " £2 : 5s. : 9d. — this " powder " must surely be gunpowder , and if so , is the first reference to the use of explosives at the Coniston mines , heralding the first departure from the age-old , and honourable , methods of winning ore and breaking rock .
4 Maps however were not published till 1884/85 and JTR makes reference to the use of guides for mountain walkers .
5 ( i ) combination of the use of external objects with the use of inherent physical resources , over a range from the use of paint , masks and costume in dance to the use of masks , costume and scenery in acted drama ;
6 What is required now is a strategy for the socialist use of democratic control over the local state which , while never neglecting what efforts are possible at providing services in a socialist ( i. e. humane and effective ) fashion in the foreseeable future , pays a great deal of attention to the use of resources for the mobilization of forces .
7 Established corn mills often had first claim to the use of watercourses , but their machinery needed modernising to improve efficiency .
8 For the rich the cost of legal services is not a barrier to the use of lawyers .
9 See Appendix 4 for details of a guide to the use of pictures in interviews with children .
10 At the start of the trial , Mr Curtis said the stabbing was ‘ an example of the tragedy that can follow when people in anger resort to the use of knives ’ .
11 Clive Barker ( 1977 ) of Warwick University has given new substance to the use of games in the training of actors and Brian Watkins ( 1981 ) has evolved a theoretical framework conceptually linking drama and game in a way which I shall attempt to build on in the next chapter .
12 Monde de L'Art welcomes four artists from Senegal : Amadou cloaks the everyday in the light of legend , applying considerable sophistication to the use of voids and subtle colouring ; Souleymane Keita paints abstract scenes influenced by local mythology and European stylistic developments ; the sculptor Ousmane Sow looks to Rodin , Bourdelle and Giacometti but employs local colours and rhythms ; Serigne Mbaye Camara carves geometric forms and applies them to two-colour backgrounds .
13 The position in relation to the use of medical services by the various socio-economic groups is as follows : the higher socio-economic groups make more use of most of the preventive local services ; the same , also , applies for the use of doctors ; the reverse , however , is the case in relation to the use of hospitals .
14 This was charged with the task of exploring the possibility of a network of schools , teachers , library specialists and others with a concern for developing practice in relation to the use of libraries , study skills , active methods of learning , and whole-school and departmental " effective learning " policies ( notes from Working Party 3 March 1986 ) .
15 The philosophy of animal rights calls for an end to the use of animals in cosmetic-testing in particular and product-testing in general .
16 Scandinavian seamen 's unions called for an end to the use of flags of convenience in Scandinavian waters ( ships ' safety precautions being the responsibility of the country with which they were registered ) .
17 For that reason , there is a need to consider application of the European Community 's proximity principle to the use of facilities by neighbouring countries .
18 The mechanics of map drawing are no longer a constraint or a deterrent to the use of maps for the user can , given a suitable package such as GIMMS , modify and refine his or her map or generate a number of maps without difficulty .
19 There is now much greater flexibility with regard to educational placements for visually handicapped children and less adherence to the use of terms which define children in categories based on medical criteria .
20 The Garden Kalendar did justice to the use of roses in the garden , mentioning them in nine months of the year .
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