Example sentences of "[noun sg] have [adv] come from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Extra income has also come from bank interest earned on appeal funds already deposited .
2 Perhaps the most compelling confirmation has however come from Pacione ( 1980 ) and his study of the ‘ metropolitan village ’ of Milton of Campsie to the northeast of Glasgow .
3 Yet the undecorated vessels were given a variety of titles , despite the majority having also come from cemeteries ; biconical and globular vessels were labelled ‘ urns ’ , squat vessels as ‘ plain bowls ’ , and a variety of shapes that could not be fitted easily into the typological scheme were labelled domestic wares , ‘ crude accessories ’ , ‘ wide-mouthed cook-pots ’ and ‘ cook-pots with lugs ’ ( ibid. , pp. 26–9 , pp. 148–70 ) .
4 I did not venture to express my opinion , fearing that my taste might have become corrupted by my long residence in the Indies ; but since my companion had recently come from France , it was quite a relief to hear him say that he had seen nothing in Europe quite so bold and majestic . ’
5 Word had just come from Ottawa , he told me , confirming his suggestion that I be promoted to the post of Production Manager for the CBC , as from the end of the month .
6 That 's because the energy for tenants ' politics has always come from women , and now the emergence of women 's ghettos puts poor women in the frontline with the local state .
7 Firstly , how could she be sure that note had actually come from Rohan ?
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