Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [adv prt] [prep] the door " in BNC.

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1 Nellie and I tiptoed quietly back down the aisle and out of the door .
2 It 's the same size as yours up to the wardrobe and up to the door .
3 Out of the room and into the hallway , along the hallway and up to the door , out of the door and down the driveway …
4 Both events attracted large crowds who queued right around the shop and out of the door ; at both events the couple were cheered and clapped as they arrived and presented with ‘ bouquets of flowers and soft toys wearing yellow ribbons ’ .
5 He moved across the room and out of the door without a glance at Gwen .
6 Finn dashed through the work-room and out of the door , returning carrying an elaborate gilded throne made of cardboard .
7 Not like the old one — bottle of pink medicine and out through the door before you can say knife … ’
8 Taking a deep breath , Terry nodded , and as though she too had forgotten Ellie she walked slowly towards her brother and out through the door .
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