Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [be] expected [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Each sub-unit is assumed to behave like an entropy spring and is expected to be large enough to realize a Gaussian distribution of segments ( i.e.> 50 carbon atoms ) .
2 Director Freddie Shepherd , meanwhile , has denied reports that he plans to sell his 7pc shareholding to chairman Sir John Hall and is expected to be appointed vice-chairman .
3 That scepticism and memory were to be important when he became an archbishop and was expected to be a leader in the organization .
4 They work six days a week or more , on no fixed terms , with no formal protection and are expected to be available all day long including late into the evening .
5 That case is not affected by today 's decision and is expected to be heard at the end of May .
6 This will be available on request and is expected to be completed in the next few months .
7 The machines , as reported , are code-named Tempest and Cyclone and are expected to be launched in the late summer or early autumn .
8 Personal details about the doctor are not Continued on Page 2 Continued from Page 1 being released but he is undergoing treatment and is expected to be back at work soon .
9 Fortunately , telecommunication technology is developing almost as fast as silicon chip technology and is expected to be able to meet the demands that will be made on it by computers and microelectronics over the next few years .
10 Joshua Nkomo , leader of ZAPU , now dissolved and merged with the ruling party , was reappointed one of three Senior Ministers in the President 's Office and was expected to be made vice-president along with Simon Muzenda under forthcoming legislation providing for the creation of two vice-presidencies with equal rank .
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