Example sentences of "[noun sg] of the [adj] [adj] period " in BNC.

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1 It is generally assumed that endogenous LH release occurs IS -20 h after the midpoint of the second dark period following PMSG administration .
2 There is a sense of hero-worship for the Wigan side of the immediate post-war period especially and for Wally Lewis .
3 FIG. 1 The barycentric period of PSR J0437–4715 over an interval of 15 days showing the Doppler effect of the 5.7-day orbital period .
4 I 'd forgone breakfast because I had n't got to bed till four in the morning , lunch because I had a hangover and anyway I was late for the train , and due to the fact that it was — according to British Rail at any rate — still part of the extended Festive Period , there had been no buffet trolley on the train .
5 The position will worsen once the full effects of the poll tax and the revenue support grant are felt after the expiry of the four-year transitional period .
6 If they agree , the agreement is renewed for that period , if they fail to agree by the expiry of the initial fixed period , then the agreement terminates automatically .
7 Like Winckelmann and Hölderlin , many later Hellenists felt those favourite qualities to be best represented in the literature of the mature classical period from Sophocles to Plato ( roughly 450 to 350 ) , which was almost exempt from criticism .
8 The Maya priests discovered , however , that 584 days is a slight overestimate of the average synodic period of Venus .
9 Evidently there had been a series of mass extinctions followed each time by the appearance of an entirely new set of species that formed the population of the next stable period .
10 Sinclair Hood ( 1971 , p. 50 ) mentions the theory that the temples ( though he treats them as palaces ) at Knossos and Phaistos were founded by foreign dynasts who invaded Crete at the beginning of the Middle Minoan period ; according to this view , urbanization occurred in Crete as a result of the arrival of already-urbanized conquerors .
11 Robbins also related to the upskilling debate — the expansion of education and the high birth rate of the immediate post-war period , for example , had given rise to a shortage of qualified teachers especially in primary schools , and changes in the numbers of white-collar jobs available to women had also given rise to a demand for better qualified and certificated female labour .
12 A field , further , where what would restrict what the Renaissance could be — the firm phenomenal centre of the early modern period — is missing .
13 Perforated cowrie shells were also found on either thigh of an old man of the Upper Palaeolithic period buried in the Barma Grande , Mentone .
14 Beauvais Cathedral in northern France was an ambitious project of the High Gothic period .
15 The subjects with influenza B showed a 19% increase in the reaction time for the 10 minute version of the variable fore period simple reaction time test when compared with the controls ( symptomatic value 440 ( SD 82 ) ms , control value 369 ( SD 79 ) ms , p<0.05 ) .
16 A decade after the end of the first post-war period in Britain ( that is , during the sharp oil price rise mentioned above ) social mobility was characterized both by heightening opportunities of rising socially , as well as increased risks of being caught in a downward spiral — particularly for those of working-class origin , who are among those who most easily fall prey to recruitment into the underclass .
17 Arrangements for the financing of the bridge beyond the end of the extended tolling period in 1996 are under consideration .
18 If there was persistent delayed transit at the end of the three minute period , the transit time was regarded as 180 seconds .
19 It describes events which took place in the distant past towards the end of the last glacial period and the start of our own , warm , interglacial epoch .
20 Again Charles Reif spent two years of operational flying in this theatre , amassing an enviable mission record for a RAAF navigator of the immediate post-war period . )
21 These units include studies in Irish History of the Early Modern Period and in the Social Structure of Modern Ireland .
22 Most of Let Us Face the Future reads like a prospective history of the immediate post-war period .
23 These three periods are the second quarter of the eighteenth century , the two decades after the Napoleonic Wars , and the so-called Great Depression of the late Victorian period .
24 It becomes a term whose reference is linguistic and whose meaning is not determined by the phenomenon of the early modern period .
25 The continued , indeed increasing , level of corporate interest in owning newspapers and TV channels characteristic of the entire post-war period reflects the continuing ‘ clout ’ which media outlets have in determining the selection of politicians and the issues which form the fabric of electoral debate .
26 They are Alexander the Great ; the Silver Shields ( a Macedonian corps d'élite of the early hellenistic period ) ; and the Spartans up to the date of their defeat at the hands of the Thebans at Leuktra in 371 .
27 Limestone applies to any sedimentary rock consisting essentially of carbonates , but chalk is geologically unique , the white , very fine-grained limestone of the Upper Cretaceous period .
28 As I indicated in chapter 1 , whilst the system of primogeniture had been used traditionally by the aristocracy as a way of passing on an estate intact , the expanding entrepreneurial business class of the early industrial period tended to favour partible inheritance .
29 At the end of the lane , round a chicken-leg turn lay a large haveli of the late Mughal period .
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