Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] ended up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There , he 'd worked for the Corps ' news service , been wounded , gone home to study journalism at college and ended up with the Associated Press .
2 I applied to join the Royal Air Force and ended up in the Pay Corps , stationed initially at Devizes for three months ' square-bashing .
3 Back in January Dallas performed what started off as the demolition and ended up in the annihilation of the Bills ' hopes of making it third time lucky at Superbowl .
4 We came down in a small clearing and ended up in the trees .
5 Her Metro spun across the carriageway , hit the crash barrier and ended up in the southbound lane , just avoiding a head on collision with on-coming traffic .
6 It had been all right finding the hospital , but on the way back he took a wrong turn and ended up by the seaside .
7 They made council housing a priority , and they halved the housing , they promised a better deal for local government and ended up with the elderly freezing in their homes , rubbish piled in the streets and the dead unburied .
8 I got up and went for a walk and ended up at the Bunker .
9 In July he was thrown out of his hostel and ended up at the Jews ’ Temporary Shelter in the East End .
10 Unfortunately , many did not reach this country , the United States , Canada or any other safe country but ended up in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and Dachau because they were denied the right to asylum .
11 It ducked under the armour plating of the fin , cut the conduit of the lower turret and ended up in the rear gunner 's position .
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