Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [noun sg] until [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is interesting to note that a number of new users , rather than inject , snorted heroin as they previously had done with speed and coke until they saw a television programme on Hong Kong which ‘ instructed ’ them how to chase the dragon .
2 look after Mummy and W.C. until I get home .
3 The Poles found that they could not impose any kind of law and order until they knew the exact borders they had been given , and as each day passed they became more and more desperate for a final decision .
4 ‘ I committed a grave sin against the suffering of the world by ignoring it , by tempting others with charm and nostalgia until they ignored it too . ’
5 She plaited her hair so tightly that it hurt her , straining hair and flesh until it felt as though the white seam down the back of her head might split and the brains gush out .
6 He 'd just look at us and wave and smile until we got to Khabarovsk which used to be named Katerinberg and was the city where , supposedly , the Czar and his family were murdered .
7 Documentation will be confidential to the teacher or group until it has been agreed to release it .
8 Often they had not told anyone about what they saw as a trivial event , but had buried their feelings of embarrassment and fear until they resurfaced in the shape of an obsession .
9 Pool pairs of cells that have divided within a chosen time interval and culture until they attain the appropriate age .
10 She said she was beaten almost daily with a horse whip or flex until she bled , forced to sleep on the floor and kept without food , sometimes for two or three days .
11 My eighteen camels were all heavily loaded , as we could expect no supplies from the Danakil but meat and milk until we reached Aussa .
12 Repeatedly he plunged his knife into the bewildered officer 's head and chest until he collapsed .
13 To Branson this embodied a business principle of disarming simplicity : some people , when they are in trouble , cut back and back and back until they have nothing left .
14 Walking and walking until he lost track of time , he felt that this was the entire world , it was comprised of nothing else , just the infinite earth and infinite sky .
15 The company was engaged in a delicate balancing act ; it could not afford first-rate machinery or transport until it had expanded , but it could not expand ( as a wholesaler at least ) until it improved quality through more sophisticated machinery .
16 He also emphasizes that the chief executive should take into account the power structure of the organization , be careful to choose the right time to promote initiatives , and , in particular , avoid committing himself publicly to a specific objective or action until he knows that it is definitely what he wants and that he can get the support .
17 ‘ Often you do n't realise the sheer range of functions of a good company secretary or administrator until they leave , because they 've been so efficient , ’ said Mr Sheppard .
18 Headache better ( > ) cool air and motion until they become warmed up which then makes it worse ( < ) ; worse ( < ) lying down , warm wraps and noise .
19 They had got in through a cellar window at the back and made their way up to a small office on the third landing where , according to Cyril , the sole employee had been there man and boy until he became fossilized and had to be removed feet first from his station .
20 I could imagine my aunt as a young girl asking for the latest of the books for birthday or Christmas until she had them all .
21 He imagined the phone ringing and ringing until it prodded her unwillingly out of sleep , and her uncomprehending response .
22 I do n't believe that you have any idea of what 's really going on in a country or culture until you live there .
23 Pound together the basil , garlic and pine kernels in a mortar or blender until you have a fine paste .
24 In a heavy-based frying pan , heat the butter and oil until it stops foaming then fry the peppers and most of the onions for about 3 minutes until they have softened .
25 Children have boundless curiosity and enthusiasm until they begin to ‘ Know ’ , and cynicism the arch destroyer of zest begins to take over .
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