Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] carried [adv prt] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The government also claims that environmental impact assessment already carried out as part of the process of gaining planning permission met EC standards .
2 Most of the work previously carried out at Severn Tunnel Junction was transferred to Gloucester , Cardiff Tidal and East Usk ( Newport ) yards , with Stoke Gifford ( Bristol ) playing a minor role .
3 John Major has proposed the setting up of a national environment agency which will combine the regulation of waste disposal with the work currently carried out by HM Pollution Inspectorate and the National Rivers Authority .
4 The turning point in our campaign came in 1987 when the Easthall Residents Association ( ERA ) and our allies worked together on two unique initiatives — the Heatfest Housing Project and ‘ Housing makes you Sick ’ — the largest fully independent survey into housing and health ever carried out in Britain .
5 It is worth noting that although , during the Survey , untrained personnel were expected to assess the condition of books — an activity usually carried out by experts — considerable efforts were made to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the records which they maintained .
6 The most comprehensive environmental survey ever carried out in Brazil has revealed that the country 's most serious environmental problem is not the destruction of the Amazon rainforest but the pollution of its cities .
7 To go out on the knocker was party activists ' jargon for canvassing , a thankless task usually carried out at night with the aid of a failing torch and a broken pencil .
8 A former PFL senator , Jorge Borhausen , was appointed to the newly-created Cabinet post of Secretary to the Presidency , with responsibility for rebuilding relations with Congress , a task previously carried out by Justice Minister Jarbas Passarinho .
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