Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pers pn] 'd been [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A commodity never difficult to find , in John-William 's experience , particularly now when the Chartist leaders , who had been locked up after the troubles of 1839 , were all out of prison again ; except for that Sheffield lad , of course , who 'd died at twenty-seven , from the hard labour he 'd been put to at Northallerton jail .
2 In her days as a schoolteacher she 'd been known for the quickness of her wit and her clarity of thought .
3 All I wanted was to be left alone to get on with the job I 'd been trained for and loved .
4 Used to creating and presenting ideas to a wide variety of clients , she 'd grown proud of her capacity to keep her head under pressure , yet from the moment she 'd crossed the threshold of this impressive room she 'd been put at a distinct disadvantage .
5 ‘ They all reported to the police station they 'd been assigned to and they all went on to stand trial . ’
6 ‘ Look , ’ I said , turning sharply on her and utilizing advice I 'd been given by Charlie about the treatment of women : Keep 'em keen , treat 'em mean .
7 For most of the week she 'd been seated at her desk , wading through piles of old G.W. design books , taking notes , making sketches , dashing off diagrams , in an effort to come up with some common thread in the mish-mash of styles that dragged dully across the pages .
8 ‘ I had a feeling he 'd been committed to an asylum .
9 For part of the trip in a flat bed truck they 'd been acompanied by armed guards , but no-one had told them why .
10 All along that awful journey I 'd been tortured by the thought that someone might have found and moved the dinghy and that I would be trapped in this hellish marsh .
11 Maggie noticed the young man she 'd been thrown against had a watch .
12 If she had the sense she 'd been born with she 'd get up from the table right now , wish him a polite good evening , and scuttle back to the safety of the dressing-room , there to make a pledge never to risk being in his company again .
13 Now I 'd also in this time rung up the er forwarding address in Manchester , rung up the telephone number I 'd been given of the forwarding address .
14 His solicitor said for some reason he 'd been involved since last December in a campaign of total destruction of both himself and other people , but now there was some hope for the future .
15 At the end of my foundation year I 'd been voted in as Social Secretary , in charge of putting on all the shows there .
16 Almost without exception we 'd been knocked for six .
17 I had no idea he 'd been kept in the dark for so long .
18 Perhaps she had ; but there was nothing mad about the composed face I 'd been shown in the portrait and the photograph , only an infinity of patience .
19 My eyes watered with pain , with chlorine from the swimming pool and with oil from the rag I 'd been blindfolded with .
20 The voice was weary , as if this was the fourth time he 'd been called by his father that evening .
21 Oliffe 's job , according to his defence , was to fatten up animals over the winter , and this was the first time he 'd been accused of ill-treating animals .
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