Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun] [conj] gave [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They are the first known lords of the manor of Cosmeston and gave their name to the village , Costentinstune ( the place of the Costentins ) .
2 The British Medical Association was founded in 1832 and the Medical Registration Act of 1858 granted doctors a monopoly on the practice of medicine and gave them important powers of self-government .
3 He played a leading role in the $5m deal with Morrow that gave his novel Whirlwind a place in the Guinness Book of Records as the recipient of the highest ever advance for a single work of fiction .
4 Even in Britain in the last years of the nineteenth century a high foreign office official had fairly frequent interviews , on the instructions of Lord Salisbury , the prime minister and foreign secretary , with Reuter 's agent in London and gave him selected information considered helpful to British policy .
5 And he went into the main agent in Edinburgh and gave them an order for three of those , and of course , we did n't get them just right away because er probably we 'd have got the last one about a couple of years later in these days .
6 In setting himself such a standard , Herbert sought to fulfil the ambition expressed when he was ordained : ‘ Though the iniquity of the late times have made clergymen meanly valued and the sacred name of priest contemptible ; yet I will labour to make it honourable , by consecrating all my learning and all my poor abilities to advance the glory of God that gave them . ’
7 Thus the ‘ qualities ’ covered a wider range of sports but gave them proportionately much less space overall than the populars .
8 And they were the sort of corsets that gave you the the straight boyish look that was necessary for the clothes of the twenties and the early thirties which were cut on the cross .
9 Now how would he feel if he contracted the virus from a freak accident at work and gave it to his wife and child just because we had failed to test him ? ’
10 As their eyes met , Yanto sensed a spart of recognition and gave her a broad smile to help her recollect .
11 He walked Eleanor to the station in silence and gave her a parting hug .
12 Some time later Mehmed II repented of his action , invited Molla Husrev back to Istanbul and gave him the office of Mufti .
13 Bob Eaton , the man who brought Lotus to GM and gave us the Calibra , is about to become chairman of Chrysler .
14 She did , however , slip next door to May and gave her a rough sketch of what had happened , right up to the Syrup of Figs .
15 It was the Royal College for the Blind at Hereford that gave him new inspiration by teaching him how to sculpt .
16 The Duchess lowered her cup of coffee and gave her young friend a compassionate look .
17 The discussion of this chapter so far might perhaps be summed up by noting that Lakatos aimed to give a rationalist account of science but failed , whilst Kuhn denied that he aimed to give a relativist account of science but gave one nevertheless .
18 Out by the pool she found a girl who greeted her warmly and , delving into the recesses of her knapsack , brought out a box of nougat and gave it to her .
19 Then she held out her hand to Eileen and gave it a strong clasp that made her wince .
20 In short Moses Moses revealed to that like the Egyptians each generation of Jews that gave them their character in general which is that today
21 Jack Carter fumbled a cigarette out of a packet of Players and gave him a light .
22 He took her to a house in Gloucester but gave himself up after police surrounded the property .
23 A couple of hours earlier , on a hunch , Hermann Goering rang down to his main office in Carinhall and gave them a Stockholm number to obtain .
24 As Countess of Glencairn , Elizabeth remembered her old friend and employer , John Tennant ; she appointed him Factor of her estate at Ochiltree and gave him tenancy of Glenconner Farm on the estate .
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