Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] [not/n't] appear to be " in BNC.

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1 It seems more likely that the tusks are used in hostile encounters between rival males , though , unlike the antlers of a deer , the babirusa 's backward-curving armament does not appear to be best designed for fighting .
2 However , this cross-domain recognition does not appear to be mutual .
3 As the fact of remarriage does not appear to be a relevant consideration ( see 2.25 above ) , remarriage alone would not warrant such a separate assessment .
4 We are left with only five texts in which the linguistic confusion does not appear to be attributable to textual interference .
5 Where the procedural matter in issue does not appear to be covered by any of the statutory provisions the court has an inherent jurisdiction to regulate its own procedure .
6 As it happens , the telephone does not appear to be working .
7 This particular difference does not appear to be a physical requirement of the articulatory system since the last segments in English peak and park do not show the variation associated with the different vowel environments .
8 Does Nat Sec have any responsibility at all to ensure that the work is being done , and if so what is Nat Sec expected to do if an Area Sec does not appear to be doing his/her job effectively ?
9 Councillor Begg continued : ‘ Although at first glance , the council tax does not appear to be as complicated as the community charge , it is still a very complex tax compared to the rates .
10 ‘ Weather forecasting does n't appear to be your forte , ’ Vitor remarked , eyeing the wet spots which were beginning to dot his shirt .
11 Our parliamentary group does not appear to be in touch with grassroots opinion — it 's as if they are on another planet .
12 There 's no doubt that the Pertex will suffer from axes and crampons , and it flaps about horribly in a gale , but waterproofing does n't appear to be compromised by holes in the outer .
13 These administrative arrangements broke down some of the barriers in co-ordinating services , but grassroots co-operation has not appeared to be necessarily easier than elsewhere in Great Britain .
14 The notion that the media have ‘ amplified ’ football violence may have been tenable ten or twenty years ago , but the current scale of hooliganism does not appear to be much exaggerated by the media .
15 Water quality does not appear to be of great concern to these hardy fish , although an approximate simulation of Amazonian habitats does encourage them to exhibit better coloration .
16 They are of the underrated because the universal characteristic of high skill is that , to an observer , the performance does not appear to be very difficult .
17 He bemoaned the recession , and said : ’ The government does not appear to be aware of the seriousness of the situation , especially with respect to smaller builders who are on short term jobs .
18 Now that 's something that erm particularly that last point , that audit committees that are established in most efficient companies want to look at and I come back to the point that audit ought to be looked at as something that assists companies in efficiency as well as a mechanism for detecting fraud and yet the government does n't appear to be examining that .
19 Incidentally , the bank in its present state does not appear to be insolvent as assets are estimated at $1.1bn and liabilities a mere $10bn .
20 Several studies have reported a positive association with ischaemic heart disease , but after correction for the effect of cholesterol serum triglyceride does not appear to be an independent risk factor ( Hulley et al , 1980 ) .
21 Oil does not appear to be emanating from either the filler cap or the dip stick tube and no obvious cause is apparent .
22 One possible reason for this would be that fixed information may simply not be attended in the judgment phase , after all , we have already seen that the amount of such information present does not appear to be related to risk ratings ( r(46)=0.15 between studies , r(48)=0.13 within the ratings scales study alone ) or accident estimates ( r(46)=0.23 between studies ) .
23 Cronin 's study of catalogue non-users sought to determine the characteristics and attitudes of non-users and found that , " Non-use does not appear to be a function of personal dissatisfaction with any aspect of the library services or staff .
24 I 'm a 27-year-old woman and I 've had a bald patch about the size of a 10 pence piece on the top of my head for about six weeks now and the hair does n't appear to be re-growing .
25 At first sight the cone shell does not appear to be particularly dangerous but it carries a secret weapon that can cause an unusually painful death .
26 Deacon 's escapades aside , housekeeping does n't appear to be the actor 's strong suit .
27 In a few cases home-based treatment using the same approach may be helpful , although large-scale use of domiciliary treatment does not appear to be justified .
28 I am glad that the Minister does not appear to be accepting a quota system for other products , but how will he deal with our not being self-sufficient ?
29 In contrast , the VSG promoter does not appear to be associated with any upstream transcription units ( 41-44 ) .
30 The choice of location does not appear to be a coincidence .
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