Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [be] reduced to [num] " in BNC.

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1 Before any sale , the Department of Energy would want to remove any loss-making capacity , but all parties were shocked by a government-commissioned report from merchant bank NM Rothschild , which was widely leaked , forecasting that the industry could be reduced to 12 deep pits over the next three years .
2 The work will take place in stages and for the proposed South Africa international in November 1992 , Baa-Baas v Australia and the Varsity match the ground capacity will be reduced to 44,000 .
3 Your probationary period can be reduced to 6 months if you have demonstrated that you fully meet the requirements in terms of performance , conduct , attendance and timekeeping .
4 To counter both the unfavourable home environment , and the difficulty poorer parents have in equalling the sharp elbows of the middle classes , who are well accustomed to taking themselves to the front of the queue , the school starting age for nursery education should be reduced to three .
5 If these four risk factors were eliminated then mortality from sudden infant death syndrome could be reduced to 0.8/1000 for both Maori and non-Maori infants .
6 The punishment for this crime was to be docked his best wave , so his tally would be reduced to three against the other surfers ' four .
7 Ferenc Karpathi , then Defence Minister , announced on March 29 that national service would be reduced to 12 months from August and that soldiers would no longer have to carry out other types of service such as agricultural work .
8 One question , therefore , is whether the age should be reduced to 16 , which is the general age of consent for sexual activity .
9 In a belated attempt at conciliation , the Japanese Government announced in mid September that the drift-net fleet in the Tasman Sea for the 1989–90 season would be reduced to 20 vessels , in the hope that the South Pacific nations could be diverted from their diplomatic assault .
10 The bank would give him facilities to purchase the business to the extent of seventy five thousand pounds if he agreed to sell his property at and from the proceeds of sale to repay the bridging facility in its entirety and they would provide a sixteen thousand pounds business loan and overdraught facilities to be reduced by five thousand pounds within a few days and if the six thousand pounds rent deposit was not required then the business loan would be reduced to ten thousand pounds .
11 The sentence would be reduced to two years , with the balance of the sentence remaining to be served suspended ( the appellant having served six months ) .
12 Their jurisdiction should be raised from 40s to £10 ; similar courts should be set up in every county ; the jury should be reduced to four .
13 Both Committees further considered whether sexual intercourse with a girl under 13 should continue to be punishable with life imprisonment or whether the age limit for this offence should be reduced to 12 .
14 Mortgage tax relief will be reduced to twenty per cent from next year , and to fifteen per cent the year after .
15 I hope the RFU competitions committee make an urgent review of proceedings , especially as the First Division will be reduced to 10 teams for the 1993–94 season .
16 Hutton , 68 yesterday , struggled to an 82 for 150 , which could be several shots below the total at which the field will be reduced to 64 golfers , and ties for the knockout stage beginning tomorrow .
17 The level will be reduced to 100 kilowatts ( KW ) in April 1994 , effectively putting on the market supplies to some 40,000 to 50,000 more industrial and commercial customers , and it will be abolished altogether by April 1998 .
18 The number would be reduced to thirty .
19 The ideas that are antagonistic to the global capitalist project can be reduced to one central counter-hegemonic idea , the rejection of the culture-ideology of consumerism itself .
20 Where a registered foreign lawyer is required to pay an annual contribution , but has , during the period specified in his or her application for renewal of registration , mainly practised from an office or offices outside England and Wales , that annual contribution shall be reduced to one quarter of the full amount determined under Schedule 14 paragraph ( 7 ) ( 2 ) ( a ) of the Act , rounded to the nearest five pounds .
21 Ian McGeechan , while agreeing that the five-point try would provide an incentive for attacking rugby , feels strongly that the conversion should be reduced to one point ( as do the NZRFU ) .
22 Demonstrating that the 3D turnaround time can be reduced to two months has given the Vietnam team confidence , Nunn says , to use this method again on their second 3D survey in Vietnam over a prospect in Block 5–2 .
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