Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [be] applied to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The criteria for discrimination are very variable and when European writers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries at last began to realize ( perhaps inadvisedly ) that the word religion might be applied to other systems of thought besides Christianity this was one of the factors on which the classification of religions was based .
2 My account of deixis is such that the methodology could be applied to other kinds of discourse , both literary and non-literary .
3 It is an excellent example of the way in which thorough research methodology can be applied to complex human experience and provide useful and thought-provoking results .
4 Study Philippians 2:3–4 and state specifically how this passage may be applied to marital ( sexual ) relations .
5 Local authorities , housing associations , community groups , government agencies , private developers and building societies were all represented at the launch , where they were told how Middlesbroughwrought experience and expertise could be applied to similar schemes nationwide , with the SkillBuilding social enterprise company offering guidance on planning , funding , construction and long-term management and also able to act as developer or sub-contractor .
6 Potassium-argon dating can be applied to volcanic rocks such as lavas and tuffs and although difficult to measure the decay , it attains its maximum usefulness in the Middle and Early Pleistocene and can be used for a range greater than 20,000 years .
7 This correction factor may be applied to metric measures of diameter .
8 The principles of historical criticism could be applied to religious disciplines other than biblical ones , most notably to the development of doctrine .
9 Much the same comment can be applied to comic crime .
10 Whereas the primary directions can be applied universally , the secondary may be applied to certain conditions or ailments .
11 It is nevertheless worth examining some more recent theories to see if they can suggest ways in which the implications of Brooke-Rose 's approach might be applied to novelistic texts .
12 But then ‘ it is difficult to see how analytical reason could be applied to dialectical reason and claim to establish it , if the two are defined by mutually exclusive characteristics ’ .
13 Conclusions regarding conditions promoting minority language-maintenance or extinction will be applied to public policy-making .
14 Poulson , the well-known Tory who demonstrated what sort of corruption can be applied to private enterprise competitive local authority services ?
15 Although cans have been considered here , the principle may be applied to other containers , eg milk cartons , soap powder boxes etc .
16 Perhaps that principle could be applied to other opportunity areas .
17 Now , while such a description can be applied to Buid relations with neighbouring highland groups and with certain types of spirits , it is not applicable to their relations with lowlanders .
18 little use ; fresh leaf may be applied to aching joints in a warm poultice
19 This same observation can be applied to other ways in which we are describing ourselves .
20 A spirit-based Sanding Sealer can be applied to new or stripped wood , or after it has been stained .
21 State of the art technology can be applied to existing installations to systematically monitor and record all lift activity and events .
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