Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] [pers pn] ca [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The boats are designed with weights in the keel so they ca n't capsize .
2 I even got to the point where I was an approved parliamentary candidate , but I never applied for a seat so I ca n't say I was ever rejected ! ’
3 Rocky is the future of the club along with Macca and Speed if he ca n't hold on to him what ganrantee can he offer us that he wo n't unload Macca and gazza soon !
4 Where can you gain the information on the approach side if you ca n't see the roundabout ?
5 Now , what 's the good of nicking a car if you ca n't drive it and you 've got to ditch it ?
6 Faced with the prospect of partial closure if it ca n't convince its parent that it has a viable future serving third party customers , IBM France SA 's plant is energetically laying plans to exploit its skills in chip packaging , in particular IBM 's proprietary technology for surface-mounting chips on multi-layer ceramic substrates to create multi-chip modules .
7 things are actually outside but you can still imagine them in your mind if you ca n't see them
8 It can be , yeah we had a stop for lunch , we had to have cups of tea , we had to go to ou , out the back and have a fag cos we ca n't smoke in the office .
9 ‘ No good going for a soldier if you ca n't show a little decision of your own . ’
10 Well I certainly would n't bother taking any shampoo if you ca n't have a hair drier .
11 Well that 's no good cos you ca n't spell sex maniac
12 In the old films erm the saying was from one conduct to another , ‘ Do n't do the crime if you ca n't do the time . ’
13 Type Images , ( or just hit the key if you ca n't remember the name of the database ) .
14 Here even window shopping is a pleasure if you ca n't afford to treat yourself , or you can hunt out a less extravagant purchase amongst the cities ' colourful markets and larger department stores .
15 I hope I can fall back on my talent because you ca n't stop the tape and go again . ’
16 It may be of course it 's on , on auction because they ca n't get a mortgage on it .
17 I said I do n't really want eternity ring because I ca n't get it on me finger .
18 ‘ Have you ever seen a woman yoked to her husband pulling a plough because they ca n't afford an ox or a horse , while their baby lies under some hedgerow , wrapped in rags , sucking a crust and whining because it is too weak with hunger to cry ? ’
19 Oh there was a tremendous variety , but then there were all the same in , erm you look at the er the three light fitting er it hangs down from the ceiling and has three branches out from it and it either has three lights hanging down or three hanging upwards , er with four ordinary bulbs in or candle bulbs in and shades , sometimes they have four , erm , there 's still an awful lot of those about and any lighting shop you look in you 'll still see plenty of those er and yet they 've got a tremendous number of disadvantages , one thing , a lot of them got glass shades , if you break one shade three year 's time you might as well throw away the fitting because you ca n't get another one er , and erm it 's a design that does n't , it does n't lend itself to giving a good lighting in a room at all er , it they , they harsh glassware , the edges of the glass during all round the room and that sort of thing
20 Buy it and it 'll ruin your life — the dog will crap on your carpet 'cos you forgot to take it walkies , you 'll lose three stone in weight 'cos you ca n't stop playing long enough to eat ( load it in — Fatty Phil ) , and your next electricity bill will be bigger than Gazza 's pay packet .
21 The director , Thomas de Mallet Burgess , delicately underlines the personal in April de Angelis 's allusive script though he ca n't assert himself when the play slithers into magical realism .
22 When you look at the small print , most of the items that are going to go wrong are excluded , and people get very upset and complain to our department when they ca n't get it book right .
23 I can read in my bedroom when I ca n't sleep
24 K : ‘ I am disappointed because although I bought a freezer there is only one power point in the kitchen so we ca n't use it — an extension lead would be dangerous with Chloe toddling about .
25 It 's making money me money so you ca n't go up !
26 ‘ I do n't know the type so I ca n't tell .
27 Just to illustrate how important this thing is , you 've probably all come across and it really irritates me , you see people interviewing people on television and they 've got their clipboard there and they 've obviously got a prepared question so they ca n't falter and fine , that means they 've prepared it .
28 ‘ He gags the budgie so he ca n't sing and ties the hamster 's wheel with string to stop it making a noise , ’ say Helen , nine , and six-year-old Carrie Ann .
29 How can I get them doing any more interesting work if they ca n't concentrate for more than ten minutes at a time ?
30 Fifteen minutes of sunshine in the middle of the day ( 11am to 4pm ) , even beside an open window if you ca n't get outside , between April and October will provide plenty of vitamin D. Diet can be boosted in winter with one helping each week of foods rich in vitamin D : herring , kippers , mackerel or sardines ( see also pages 104–5 ) .
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