Example sentences of "[noun sg] [unc] view [conj] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sad claims , but nothing compared to an NME reviewer 's view that the band Flowered Up should n't be allowed to play in clubs , because black music has always been the mainstay there , and Flowered Up have their roots in rock .
2 Following the recent press statement by Mr Michael Forsyth MP , Scotland 's Sports Minister , I write to inform you that Mr Forsyth has accepted the Scottish Sports Council 's view that the system first introduced at its request in 1987 whereby senior staff of the Council serve also as Members of the Council , should be discontinued .
3 But the inspector has upheld the council 's view that the range is visually damaging to the area .
4 As was pointed out at the beginning of this chapter , they shared classical criminology 's view that the purpose of penal practice was effective crime control .
5 In the event the conviction for capital murder was affirmed on the ground that ( the evidence being overwhelming ) there had been no miscarriage of justice , despite the majority 's view that the trial judge had been in error .
6 And whilst you 've heard comment from Mr last week about the County Surveyor 's view that the capacity of the radials really outside the City and also as they enter the City , the key impact within the City of York is on the inner ring road , because all the traffic tends to end up there .
7 Lord Malmesbury queried the Government 's view that the concentration of offices would produce a saving in ground rents , when the land alone for the block scheme ‘ would cost a million and a half of money ’ .
8 It is the Government 's view that the Commission should be thinking of ways of saving taxpayers ' money , not justifying fresh reasons for expending it .
9 During bitter exchanges in the Commons , Mr Smith challenged Mr Major over the about-turn in the Government 's view that the passing of Labour 's amendment — with the support of Tory rebels — would wreck the bill .
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