Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] be [verb] according to " in BNC.

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1 Where , in such warehouses the storage rack system supports the roof then little or no additional protection at ceiling level may be required according to the structure of the roof and the geometry of the rack system at roof level .
2 The need for this clause was abrogated , however , with the passing of the SC Neronianum in AD 56 , for it provided that a legacy which was on technical grounds ( such as the one suggested ) invalid should be treated according to the interpretation applying to the most favourable kind of legacy , namely that per damnationem .
3 Paragraphs ( a ) and ( b ) deal with matters affecting the extent to which the plaintiff and the defendant will be prejudiced according to whether or not the action is allowed to proceed .
4 The starting salary of the successful applicant will be fixed according to experience .
5 In applying this rule the words of the statute will be interpreted according to their natural , ordinary and grammatical meaning , but where such an interpretation produces a manifestly absurd result , the words will be interpreted so as to avoid the absurdity .
6 Sovereign can be adapted according to customer needs and there are now 80 staff on the Sage Hotline to offer support — though it reckons three quarters of the 2,500 daily calls it receives relate to business rather than technical problems !
7 A hot solution of an alkali degreaser , allowed to stand , spray applied solvent degreaser or caustic cleaner may be used according to soil type .
8 There is a long-running debate as to whether money for a national campaign should be allocated according to the proportions of a national rate card , or on an ‘ equal-impact ’ basis .
9 Mustill LJ continued : The authorities can no longer live together and … the reason lies in a collision between two ideas , logically and morally sustainable in themselves , but mutually inconsistent , about whether the unforeseen consequences of a wrongful act should be punished according to the intent [ Cunningham ] or the consequences [ Mowatt ] .
10 He is contradicted by Valens , a second-century Sabinian , who says that the praetor or arbiter will decide what skill should be taught according to the age , state , nature , and ability of the beneficiary .
11 Prima facie their rights on demerger would be determined according to the arrangements put in place for the merged firm in relation to the departure of partners or the dissolution of the firm .
12 It is quite impossible , and very misleading to suggest , that pruning can be done according to the calendar .
13 In order to reflect a relative difference between the ear or half fields a laterality coefficient may be computed according to the formula
14 The fee shall be paid according to the following schedule :
15 If SS is 01 the string will be generated according to he format set by @% , otherwise @% will be ignored and the G9 format used .
16 The vote-worthiness of candidates for the Diet will be rated according to their commitment to reformist ideas .
17 The house 's former importance can be measured according to its size , exquisite , courageous location , and the remains of huge fireplaces .
18 Magistrates ' court R v Holyhead Justices , Ex parte Rowlands ; QBD ( Mann LJ , Waterhouse J ) ; 31 Aug 1989 An objection to witness statements tendered by the prosecution being admitted in evidence should be made according to the procedure in s 102 of the Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 .
19 The slogan at the back of the stage could be changed so that the appropriate place name could be inserted according to where we were .
20 Age may be classified according to any set of categories deemed useful for the purpose in hand .
21 Homework should be differentiated according to the learners ' ability .
22 These languages , for instance , have a category of ‘ shape ’ , which means that an object must be classified according to whether it is long , round , or sheet-like .
23 During your flight you can relax with a drink from the duty free bar and a meal or light refreshment will be served according to the time of day .
24 It is not suggested that each offence should be ranked according to the seriousness of its after-effects on the particular victim — although there is an argument for assuming that young victims will be particularly damaged by unwanted sexual experiences , and therefore for regarding such offences as more serious .
25 The odd word could be chosen according to semantic or non-semantic criteria .
26 Success will be measured according to the increase in sales of British meat throughout the Booker butchery outlets and results will be published in 1992 .
27 The level of rent to qualify for full Housing Benefit subsidy will be determined according to locally operating market forces .
28 The remaining portion of the departmental budget will be allocated according to the amount of outside research money the department manages to attract — a scheme reminiscent of one on trial by London University .
29 If he ca n't afford a Solicitor and he feels he ought to be represented by a Solicitor , he may apply for Legal Aid , and of course it 's public money concerned so I suppose in an ideal society everybody would be legally assisted who wanted to be , but obviously we ca n't afford that as a country , so that erm generally erm his application would be judged according to certain criteria erm which would suggest perhaps he needed to be represented .
30 Needs for social care would be identified according to the social services department 's policy and budgetary constraints .
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