Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] held to [be] the " in BNC.

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1 It is important to remember that if one act is held to be the sole cause of the damage and that act is one of the plaintiff , then the plaintiff will recover nothing .
2 The cause of the accident was held to be the unsafe system of work used by the plaintiff 's employers rather than use of the premises .
3 In his province , Huy remembered , Surere had tried to impose what he had interpreted as the supporting columns of a decent society : sexual responsibility and even monogamy were held to be the roots of a stable family ; sexual relations between members of that family were restricted to cousins .
4 Television is held to be the voice of France , by the French , and abroad . ’
5 Questions spiritual having thus been dealt with , there remained those of a temporal nature , of which a suitable civil list was held to be the most pressing .
6 Experience is held to be the foundation for effective pollution control :
7 Several had considered maths or engineering , or both ; maths was generally dismissed as ‘ too theoretical ’ , while engineering was dismissed as ‘ too applied ’ : physics was held to be the perfect happy medium — applied enough to be ‘ relevant ’ ( a favourite adjective amongst both the science and the arts students ) , but theoretical enough to be stimulating and demanding .
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