Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] known to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The sandstone rocks along its western side were known to be porous , but the engineers predicted that the pores would be blocked by silt .
2 The US motor industry is known to be sceptical over whether the timescale proposed for the new emission levels can be met .
3 The Ceasg is known to be dangerous and will swallow a man whole , possibly in memory of a fish-tailed god to whom human sacrifices were made .
4 Mr Akashi insists on looking on the bright side : Khmer Rouge artillery was known to be inaccurate and their shells often failed to explode , he said .
5 This is indicative of a slow exchange between two conformations ; the rate of quadruplex formation is known to be slow .
6 Whooping cough vaccine is known to be effective in preventing the illness ( or at least lessening its effects ) in an individual .
7 The individual 's level of stress is known to be important in relation to maintaining a safe environment .
8 The demand for electricity was thus being artificially boosted : the price was known to be sufficient only to meet the historic average costs of supply , not the costs which in future would have to be paid if the demand were met .
9 However where demand is known to be variable , for example if a large share of output is exported , any major internal expansion carries the danger of periodic over-capacity with consequent higher average costs just as the market is weakest .
10 Failure of paracetamol except when discomfort is known to be severe , in which case use codeine phosphate as first choice
11 In bites and stings if the creature is known to be poisonous or the person is known to react badly to such bites or stings .
12 Soya based formulas should only be used with medical advice when a baby is known to be allergic to cow 's milk formula , as soya protein is just as allergenic as cow 's milk .
13 If the student is known to be competent at planning , and it is the details of execution we are to teach , then a double objective would be acceptable .
14 Later in its life , the same theory was known to be inconsistent with the details of the orbit of the planet Mercury , although scientists did not abandon the theory for that reason .
15 Secondly , the range of birth weights is less than the range of infant weights , and head circumference and length at birth are known to be inaccurate measurements .
16 Certainly the Abbey were known to be large landowners in the area .
17 To the extent that professional indemnity insurance is known to be available there is , in fact , an encouragement to litigate .
18 There our friends and relatives sometimes come to visit us and speak resolutely of trivial matters ; children seldom come , because that might seem ‘ morbid ’ , especially if the illness is known to be terminal .
19 Sighvat 's poem is known to be incomplete , but surviving verses do not mention the battle , and Ottar the Black 's Knútsdrápa says that Cnut opposed or threw back ( hnekDir ) the Swedes there , and describes him as their withstander ( prengvir ) , neither of which is resonant of overwhelming victory , Indeed , if Holy River was known only from the Chronicle entry one would think it a defeat , but Ottar is unlikely to have included a famous reverse in a list of Cnut 's achievements , and the royal title used in the 1027 Letter ( see below ) suggests that he did eventually claim suzerainty over some Swedes .
20 The inspectorate is known to be concerned about the pollution the plant will cause and is planning an eight-week consultation process on the basis of a draft authorization ( setting out permitted discharge levels for a range of pollutants ) due to be published shortly .
21 Bonnet was known to be opposed to the government 's plans to restructure the army .
22 The ballet is known to be fictional .
23 It has been found that the intake of nutrients in the diet declines markedly in old age , and whilst it is difficult to determine to what extent this is caused by , or is the cause of , increased physical disease , the connection with elderly health is known to be significant .
24 Yet if the example is modified a little , so that the overtaking is on a country road at night and the risk is known to be slight , it becomes questionable whether the causing of death in these circumstances should be labelled in the same way as intentional killings .
25 yeah — they will be up for a hard re-match. the turkish home crowd is known to be wild
26 In many societies this office confers status : though not necessarily ( if the doctor is known to be guilty of malpractices , for example ) .
27 In such cases unemployment is known to be impending at the outset of the contract and therefore the exclusion ‘ unemployment known to be impending at the commencement of insurance ’ will apply with a resultant repudiation of the claim .
28 HER contacts book was known to be extensive , but who would have thought Cynthia Payne 's network stretched to Austin , Texas .
29 His constitutional plan had been to secure the election of his son , the young Frederick , as king , but as soon as the emperor was known to be dead the wisdom of upholding the election of so young an heir was questioned .
30 Chamberlain 's Reports were submitted at a financially unpropitious time , and although the scale of unfit housing was known to be severe , policies for effective remedies were shelved .
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