Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] looked [adv prt] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 He moved again to the eastern window and looked out over the cottages of the headland .
2 She stood up , stretched , then moved to the window and looked out over the busy concourse .
3 He stood at a window and looked down over the trees , where rooks were crossing sticks in a light sway of air .
4 She took her hand away , leaned on the rail and looked out over the sea .
5 I scrambled to the top and looked out over the sand and rocks to where Paul stood , a tiny figure against the reflected brightness of the pools and wet sands , overshadowed by the tilted cone of metal beside him .
6 At midday we climbed the minaret and looked out over the rooftops of Cairo , stretching like a vast uneven plain from the Moqqatam Hills to the tall modern buildings along the river .
7 ‘ When we pulled out of Jaffa , I stood on the stern and looked out over the old city , ’ he said .
8 Finally we sat in the hide open to the general public and looked out over the wide expanse of water at Low Ellers .
9 Their bedroom was in the front of the house and looked out over the sea , a vast expanse of blue , sparkling in early morning sunshine .
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