Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] i [modal v] tell [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In the meantime , someone had found that there was some sort of balm that we could rub on his bum before the event , but an echo that I will tell you and I will never ever forget , I can honestly say that having witnessed that ordeal and experienced the aftermath , and having seen the vicious weals on Buster 's backside , I have never ever stolen a thing of any value since .
2 Buy me a dram and I will tell you all about it . ’
3 Look , are you free for lunch and I 'll tell you about it ? ’
4 I can not remember my first day hunting but I can tell you a normal day of all-day hunting .
5 But I do n't worry about being a loser and I 'll tell you why .
6 And then you will tell him to come to a place that I will tell you of and at a time that I will tell you .
7 Yeah delayed reaction and I 'll tell you Gemmell was lucky then because he er he made contact with the referee in making his protest and they normally stamp down on that one but Mr Kirby has been er a lenient official today .
8 ‘ Let me in for Chris ' sake and I 'll tell you . ’
9 Darby joked : ‘ All you 've got to do now is round up all the typewriters of the correct make and vintage and I 'll tell you which one dun n it . ’
10 Let me first of all give you his name and I 'll tell you what this guy 's damn brilliant .
11 But what I do say is I am a trustee I am a trustee not of farmer 's land not of your land Mr , not of your land Mr not of your land Mr every person in Leicestershire owns that land , they have got a mark and I 'll tell you sir four thousand five hundred signatures made in one weekend are saying to us you are a trustee of our land , it 's not your land , our land I keep hearing , it 's our land it 's not our land it 's the people of Leicestershire 's land and what the people of Leicestershire land are saying to us sir , they 're saying to us you can not continue this barbaric killing of foxes .
12 ‘ Come indoors fer a minute an' I 'll tell yer .
13 I 'm watching it on television so I can tell you what happens . ’
14 You give me anyone 's phone line and mail for a month and I 'll tell you exactly who he is , how old he is , his likes and dislikes , his character , his worries , what he had for breakfast and supper , what time he wakes up .
15 I wo n't be in on Monday so people will have to come in on Monday somebody will have to come in on Monday , go to the room specified which I have n't agreed yet and then put it on and then bring it back again to so people who ca n't make it today , that that 's the alternative arrangement but I 'll tell you more when I come back at eleven o'clock , okay ?
16 I run into the arms of Andy 's parents walking with the dogs near the ornamental ponds and it seems like an age before I can tell them what 's happened because my voice wo n't work and I can see the fear in their eyes and they 're asking , ‘ Where is Andrew ?
17 I 'd be most obliged if you 'd open your door so I can tell you what this is about . ’
18 You name a poisoner and I 'll tell you all about him or her .
19 ‘ I 'm no psychiatrist but I 'll tell you one thing .
20 The most revealing anecdote that I can tell you about that is from Coventry .
21 If you 're in the market for the product of Citroen 's '70s Maserati connection , you will already know more about the model than I can tell you here .
22 ‘ Give me another two seconds of silence and I 'll tell you !
23 No it 's not , I can sit there with a customer list and I could tell you who recommended who
24 It is very important this is done , we can join the raffle for the East Midlands airport and I 'll tell you this I will help you pick out the winning ticket er but we can not use the East Midlands airport money for revenue to run the stations .
25 Sophie said briefly , ‘ Come into the surgery and I 'll tell you . ’
26 And then you will tell him to come to a place that I will tell you of and at a time that I will tell you .
27 ‘ Come to the office and I 'll tell you what I want done .
28 Speak to me in a year 's time and I 'll tell you .
29 We have not yet resolved all the detail but I should tell you about the key aspects of these changes so that we can go forward together to put the new arrangements successfully in place .
30 Mum never said a word when I invited Nellie into our house but I could tell she did n't like her .
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