Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] i [verb] [art] doubt " in BNC.

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1 I disagree with the hon. Lady and I have no doubt that CBI ( Scotland ) would also do so on that matter .
2 The , the government and I 'm sure that er the inland revenue are always anxious to make sure that tax payers are properly informed of their rights er and receive their correct entitlement and I have no doubt that every effort will be made to achieve what my honourable friend seeks .
3 They differ from the authorities now being proposed in that the local authority representatives currently are clearly in the majority and I have no doubt My Lords that the authorities in consequence see their loyalties lying towards the district councils and the communities that they represent .
4 I do n't think there was any commitment on Angy 's part but I 've no doubt Eddie hoped — and believed — there would be , given time . ’
5 I have spent quite long enough outlining the picture in my own constituency and I have no doubt that the House will wish to consider the national picture as well .
6 So not a very successful project in terms of getting people out into the community but people are due to move at the end of this calendar year and I have no doubt that the project will be very successful thereafter .
7 The game could be a bit quicker with more chances for catching opponents by surprise and I have no doubt that David Johnson ( Watsonians , Glasgow and Scotland ‘ A ’ coach ) will be studying the possibilities so that hopefully Watsonians will be at the fore in adapting their style .
8 ‘ The position of dairy farmers will best be safeguarded if they are united in the marketing of their produce and I have no doubt their new co-operative will become a reality in the near future . ’
9 ‘ The delays involved were altogether unacceptable in my view and I had no doubt that they amounted to maladministration . ’
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