Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pron] ought [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They can get stuck by this fear that they ought to be planning for the future .
2 Both Sonatas are cleanly played , but the inner momentum of Rachmaninov 's first movement is lost : Yo-Yo Ma too often takes a back seat when he ought to be showing the lead , and this affects the balance .
3 Its reason for treating consensual anal intercourse separately is stated thus : ‘ This distinctive conduct has such potentialities of physical and psychological damage that it ought to be distinguished from lesser forms of sexual conduct . ’
4 The belated realization that these things are no longer so leads to the embittered and baffled reaction that they ought to be so .
5 So it 's , if you 're in , you 've still got to think about security and you ought to be locking your doors , if you can .
6 Put out of your mind any notion that he ought to be convicted in case he did it . ’
7 This document , which was rich in wounding phrases , was by no means unwelcome to Chamberlain , particularly as it ended with a fairly clear hint that he ought to be the new leader .
8 I still got this little housewife feeling that it ought to be ready when you come in the door you know .
9 You do n't fully savour happy/frivolous moments because of a gnawing feeling that you ought to be doing something more worthwhile .
10 you do n't join in some enjoyable activity because of a gnawing feeling that you ought to be working
11 I have no right and you have been very generous , Fred , Uncle Steve and the boys and Gertie ca n't understand why you did n't come here with us , Gert only said this morning that you ought to be here , your place is with us , but do n't think I am not grateful .
12 North once offered Calero a bullet-proof vest — ‘ the same sort the President wears ’ — Only to find Calero shocked at the implication that he ought to be looking danger in the face .
13 Do n't say I 'll give you a bit of my advice on a lead , because er you have n't had the call so you ought to be on your best level .
14 And secondly , I mean obviously parents are more worried if they feel that their child is not doing as well as somebody else 's child , and we 're back to this question of expectation again — where did they get the expectation that this other child is , as it were , some sort of norm that they ought to be living up to , and parents should talk to teachers and to other people who know their child and have got experience of their child as against other children to find out really whether their worries are truly grounded , or whether they are just groundless .
15 And secondly , I mean obviously parents are more worried if they feel that their child is not doing as well as somebody else 's child , and we 're back to this question of expectation again — where did they get the expectation that this other child is , as it were , some sort of norm that they ought to be living up to , and parents should talk to teachers and to other people who know their child and have got experience of their child as against other children to find out really whether their worries are truly grounded , or whether they are just groundless .
16 Consequently , Julius Caesar was dressed in Elizabethan costume because no one thought that he ought to be dressed any differently .
17 After all , British taxpayers are picking up the £60 million bill and we ought to be told a lot more about why it happened and why so much damage was caused .
18 Be we 've got a lot that we ought to be proud of .
19 In England the Lords of Trade certainly had no money to spend on the colonies ; and would have been quite as surprised as any earlier generations at a suggestion that they ought to be spending money on them .
20 So when we look at the grimacing gestures of a chimpanzee and wonder at the almost ludicrous parallels with our own behaviour this is just part of a whole host of behavioural and anatomical similarities that show without doubt that we ought to be classified with the apes ( we are all of us primates ) , and that we share a distant ancestor with our diminutive caricatures .
21 Such persistence is not easy because there is nothing to go on except the general hunch that there ought to be an opportunity somewhere about .
22 It 's a way of as a Council taken the position that we ought to be spending your money effectively , right .
23 With these concepts in mind , Professor James ' WHO group came to the view that we ought to be concentrating on the positive aspects of the benefits of fruit and vegetables .
24 Did in fact with the Greater York districts initially take a view that it ought to be eight miles .
25 Raven pushed at the bishop that he ought to be in an academic post and soon .
26 They 're pursuing a different tack — they are less concerned with what is the economic connection than what ought to be " .
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