Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pron] [vb mod] give you " in BNC.

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1 You tape it me and give me the tape and I 'll give you a tape in exchange because I wan na keep it .
2 No I said space is a hundred pound and we 'll give you twice that size for that .
3 And I 've got a little chart that I 'll give you to do that on .
4 Work or we 'll give you more Cherub singing .
5 ‘ Yes and loud and clear on the Saint or they 'll give you a ticket for Cincinnati and it would be months before your next of kin were informed . ’
6 therefore we have supported the A C C line on the basis of the flexibility that it would give you , as an employer , bearing in mind , you do n't have to do anything , it will be your choice in the individual case , er , within your policies .
7 Choose the Commodore with a Mitsubishi engine and we 'll give you an Atco Blow & Vac ( usual price £229 ) absolutely free .
8 Now yes this is very very welcome indeed , but I do see it Mr Chairman in the experience of the past and that really with the hard work that you both have put in as a piece of paper it is now in the computer as far as I can see and I think there is a term now within agriculture and I will give you an example of this and I think it now , it may apply I think to our road system particular particularly in the north , north Suffolk , yeah I think the term is set-aside , and I hope that some time central government will acknowledge that within this eastern region certainly the Lowestoft area and Waking area we have very great problems , because these pieces of jigsaw do not come into the full picture , they 're put in place now and then and later and in apparent it is giving us a very great problem certainly within the last
9 You would n't be a real beginner and it would give you an interest when I 'm busy . ’
10 She 's your sister and it would give you a break .
11 Instead he bent over , looked at the sore , patted me on the head and said : ‘ Come into the shop and I 'll give you some sweets .
12 That 's why we give an absolute guarantee that we will give you continuity of assignment .
13 And he uses a picture , he says , look , you 're gon na come and you 're , you 're drawing this water and you 're gon na come back tomorrow and get some more , and the next day you 'll come with your jugs and have some more water , and that 's the story of your life , coming back again , and again , and again but the , the water that I will give you , that wo n't be an external source outside of you , that 's gon na be within you !
14 When I said to you earlier erm there 's several ways in which you can help me now the main way you can help me is erm is er the way I do , the way I prefer to do business is by personal recommendations and you 've seen the service that I can give you , you 've seen , we 've been through your , your personal situation , your financial situation , have you found that of benefit ?
15 He said I ca n't I 'm here on my own , he said get a cab and I 'll give you the money back , so anyway I rung Pauline 's husband up Steve and he said I 'll take you , I said to Steve I 've got ta get there for one o'clock cos I said I really do feel that if I do n't see him before he goes I ai n't gon na bloody see him , he was ever so good , he were here at twenty to one , got straight in the car put his foot down , went to the General and just as I got in the door Steve do n't worry about me parking , go , I 'll find you , just get in there , I ran through the bloody doors , ran up the stairs cos I knew
16 You could either ask a gardening friend if they could give you one or you could try and take one yourself .
17 Rent both together for Only £19.99 a month and we 'll give you a FREE Stacking Kit to help you make the most of your floor space .
18 I shall ask the Father and He will give you another advocate to be with you forever .
19 Jesus said I shall ask the Father and He will give you another advocate to be with you for ever .
20 The promise and the fulfilment , let me just give you a couple of verses there in John fourteen , John make er , Jesus he makes this statement to his disciples , in John fourteen , in verses sixteen and seventeen , and I will ask the Father and he will give you another helper , another word for the Holy Spirit , that he may be with you forever .
21 I 'll teach you what pleasure there is in making love and I 'll give you all the time you need to adjust to your new circumstances . "
22 Do me a favour and I 'll give you three francs instead of your fifty centimes [ which she gave him daily ] . ’
23 ‘ I could n't tell you much about Liverpool 's players these days but ask me about Uxbridge 's outside-right and I 'll give you a Dimbleby lecture — if you can stay awake long enough , ’ he jokes .
24 But you see , you , you see , you could , you could have your goods then you 'll be paying on the slip and he would give you a slip you see .
25 Why did n't you say you 'd be his fucking shadow if he 'd give you tenure ? ’
26 It was claimed by the witnesses in their evidence that Hegan was the poor relation , he claims he was offered £1,000 , and swore he heard Bremner say ‘ Give us a penalty and I 'll give you a grand . ’
27 Follow me , for I can give you beauty and I can give you joy , and all the delights and all the pleasures of the world …
28 So once you know that , these two are the same you take that from one eighty , halve the answer and it 'll give you these angles , and if you 've got that ang if you 've got these angles , then you can work out most things .
29 We 've launched the series of six Beatrix Potter videos , the first two have been very successful , the first one sold three hundred and fifty thousand copies and is er I think it 's number three in the best seller list and we 'll give you one of these to take home and er and , and watch to your leisure .
30 Right as far as that writing see if I want you to remind me that 's where we 're up to next lesson and I shall give you a few more notes on that to explain about how it happens ten thousand times .
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