Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] happen [prep] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Storm Jameson , a woman novelist active in the peace movement , later recalled : ‘ For some years after 1933 I lived in equivocal amity with pacifists and combative supporters of the League of Nations , adjusting my feelings , in good and bad faith , to the person I happened to be with .
2 ‘ I 'm calling a friend who happened to be in London with me , ’ he drawled coolly .
3 George Taylor was collected and he and Mrs Oliver returned to the tobacconists ' to be joined shortly by PC Chandler , an off-duty policeman who happened to be in Higatt 's too .
4 The reason is that heads of chambers are not required to notify vacant tenancies to a central office , so that there can be fair competition for them ; the tenancy is given to the person who happens to be on the spot and who is acceptable , or to a relative of the head of chambers , or otherwise by favour .
5 ‘ Do you have such an inflated idea of your own sex appeal you think you can grab any woman who happens to be to hand ? ’
6 It would mean you see me as a woman who happens to be in science , and not as a scientist .
7 Few people are aware how men , who on the whole are more socially , economically , politically , and physically powerful than women , use these resources frequently to batter wives and cohabitees ( Dobash and Dobash 1981 ) , sexually harass their female ( usually subordinate ) co-workers , or assault/rape any woman who happens to be in the way ( see Chapter 4 ) .
8 Er , when you 've finished with it , all I want is the token off the corner of the page it happens to be on the reverse side
9 The last sentence of each of ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) is structurally ambiguous between putting some biscuits into a bowl which happens to be on the floor , and putting some biscuits , which happen to be in a bowl , on the floor .
10 Generally , they were the cast-offs of two children in the house who happened to be about her own age , and this could mean a pretty frock coming her way , but only if , Mrs Aggie said , she kept her nose clean .
11 The fact that Murphy considers himself first and foremost a businessman who happens to be in PR helps to explain the care with which the decision to sell PRCS was taken .
12 It all began on Saturday evening with Stuart ( or Sir Parker of Westminster ) and myself ( Mistress Margaret , house keeper to which ever castle we happen to be at ) driving around Totnes trying to find the St John 's Ambulance Hall .
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