Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] a [noun sg] around [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Grandson Richard came out of the shower-room with a towel around its waist .
2 Or feel the wrench of a rope around their neck ?
3 It showed a little girl with a garland around her neck , and a grass skirt , on an island , being spied on by this little boy through a telescope .
4 And an observer in that small room would have noticed the suspicion of a smile around his loose and slightly purplish lips .
5 An old man shuttled after her and hooked a horticultural implement of a hand around her arm .
6 ‘ The dear man knows that I collect swans , ’ she explained to Merrill and Richard , ‘ and he left it on the hall table with my name on a label around its neck .
7 Clad in singlet , rubber plimmies and with a whistle on a string around his neck , PROFESSOR ENO is taking Games .
8 He still wore his hair in a pony-tail , complete with ribbon , and wore an ankh on a chain around his neck , but beneath the veneer of a harmless flower-child gone to seed he was as acquisitive as a bower-bird .
9 When Mr Graham first appeared in court reporting restrictions were lifted and Lorna Burns , for the prosecution , described how police arrived at the flats to find a man with a scarf around his face lying unconscious on the first-floor landing with a stab wound in his chest .
10 After finding no takers for the painting at £4 million , Lady Cook consigned the painting to Christie 's for sale in April 1989 acting against the advice of her advisor Stephen Somerville , who cautioned that the powerful subject might be too strong for the average clientele ( ‘ Not many people would want an expensive picture of a man with a noose around his neck ’ , said one prominent member of the Old Master community , ‘ unless , of course , they 're into bondage ’ ) .
11 She was sitting on his bed with a blanket around her shoulders , trying on his flying-helmet .
12 Then a French Polynesian with a rosary around his neck and scarred knuckles drew out his cards and we sat down to play .
13 He later required surgery to a wound around his kneecap .
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