Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] the board of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The two men were prosecuted in connection with the fraudulent bankruptcy of a finance company , Trans K-B , of which Kopp was president of the board of directors .
2 Richard Gregory of the Brain and Perception Laboratory at Bristol University is a key figure on the board of trustees for Exploratory .
3 He also helped shape the community as chairman of the board of surveyors , lighting inspector , poor-law guardian , and justice of the peace .
4 Arnold Whitchurch , the chairman of the Board of Governors there , thought that ‘ if the hospitals worked with the County Council they might do a tremendous lot for the co-ordination of the general health system .
5 He is also chairman of the Board of Governors of Leicester Polytechnic .
6 And anyway erm I first went to and the money ran out and so Grammar School , and then er I was transferred to PorthMadog County School where er Jonathan at that time was chairman of the board of governors .
7 A former EC Commissioner , he is chairman of Allied Irish Banks and Chairman of the Board of Governors of the European Institute of Public Administration .
8 The former chairman of the board of governors of Longlands College in Middlesbrough is a quietly spoken man , who when he was elected in November said he was determined to serve all the people of Langbaurgh , whether or not they had voted for him .
9 Dr Rab Telfer has been elected to succeed Mr Richard Lines as chairman of the board of governors at Teesside Polytechnic .
10 STUART Renton , MBE , DA , ARSA , FRIBA , FRIAS , has been elected chairman of the board of governors of Edinburgh College of Art , He succeeds Martin Huggins , chairman since January 1991 .
11 Staff at the university are also seeking an urgent meeting with Andrew Armstrong , chairman of the board of governors , to discuss the dispute .
12 He was in active practice for twenty-five years , and was elected chairman of the Board of Guardians in 1837 , serving for forty-eight years .
13 The guardians applied , unsuccessfully , to the Public Works Loan Board and it was left to a sub-committee , consisting of the chairman of the Finance Committee , the chairman of the Board of Guardians ( W. T. Lansberry ) and the clerk to arrange the loan elsewhere .
14 For example , the Chairman of the Board of Guardians for St Giles in East London considered that widows must be held in part responsible for their own condition : ‘ After the lapse of a certain number of years , when a widow has had the opportunity of showing providence on her own account , I think you may separate her from her late husband , but not immediately after his death ’ .
15 The broadcasting ‘ liberalization ’ phase under ‘ Chaban ’ had ended : the broadcasting law of July 1972 had distinguished between the state monopoly of radio and television broadcasting and the public organization ( ORTF ( entrusted with the monopoly ; the same law increased — on paper — the autonomy of ORTF and the powers of the ‘ MD ’ who became in addition chairman of the board of directors ( 'PDG' ) ; but conflicts arose between the first ‘ PDG ’ , Arthur Conte , and the Information Minister , Philippe Malaud .
16 Previously chairman of the board of studies at Durham University Business School , he will be responsible for several courses including the Master of Business Administration degree .
17 Chairman of the Board of Fellows , three members of the Board of Fellows and if appropriate one or more persons ( non-voting ) to provide specialist knowledge relevant to a particular case .
18 The National Gallery has received letters of support from several international museums and galleries , including Dominique Bozo , director of the Georges Pompidou Centre in Paris , Gerard Regnier , director of the Picasso Museum , Paris , and Thomas Messer , director emeritus of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation in New York and now chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Gallery in Prague .
19 Among those present were Mr John Raisman the Chairman of the Board of Trustees , Griselda 's husband Mr William Kerr , and their enchanting children three-year-old Robin who shook hands with everyone , and Cordelia who preferred to stay with her father .
20 I am greatly honoured to have been appointed by Her Majesty the Queen as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Library of Scotland in succession to Mr Michael Strachan , who retired in November 1990 after 16 years ' service .
21 Shaikh Nasir bin Hamad al-Rashid was appointed Chairman of the Board of Grievances , with Cabinet rank .
22 Since the second amendment to the articles of agreement the structure of the Fund has been defined as consisting not only of a board of governors , an executive board , and a managing director and staff , but also a council if it is called into being by a decision of the board of governors with an 85 per cent majority of total voting power .
23 As a consequence , fiduciary duties continue to apply to the directors of a company and to 'shadow " directors ( persons whose instructions or directions often determine the decision of the board of directors ) .
24 Finally , it is therefore the more difficult to see how the proposals can have anything to do with genuine industrial democracy , that is to say , with the accountability of the board of directors as a corporate whole to the individual men and women who constitute the workforce and who would have the ultimate power to replace an unsatisfactory board .
25 After US obstruction , a Committee of the Board of Governors of the IMF was eventually set up for this purpose late in 1972 .
26 It was also the meeting place of the Board of Guardians , whose duty it was to look after the poor , and the Patrington Union which was responsible for 27 parishes .
27 ‘ It is the considered opinion of the board of governors , ’ he said , ‘ that in the interests of the good name of the medical profession , and ’ — he gave a diplomatic cough — ‘ of St Andrew 's , it would be much easier for all concerned if you were to resign . ’
28 There was a big turnout at a meeting of the Board of Guardians , which included the Poor Law Commissioner , to consider the matter .
29 For example , in September 1919 , in its account of a meeting of the Board of Guardians , the Bedfordshire Times reported that a member had complained of what he referred to as ‘ an appalling increase of rates ’ .
30 The last meeting of the Board of Guardians of the Bedford Union was held on 29th March 1930 .
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