Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] the room [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ion Pacepa has described how scientists working for the Securitate designed a telephone which could be used to bug both phone conversations and any talk in the room where the apparatus was located .
2 Corbett pointed to the one stained glass window in the room where the artist had painted a graphic vision of demons , their eyes glaring fiercely , their mouths and nostrils poured forth fetid breath as they tore the flesh of sinners with red hot pincers and pierced their bodies with glowing iron nails , whilst others beat the unfortunates with spikes and scourges .
3 Upstairs was a low glow from the room where the babies slept .
4 ‘ Come along , Emily , dear , ’ Aunt Sophie was at her side , catching her arm , leading her back into the centre of the room where the vicar stood over the coffin , ready to pay his last respects to Thomas Grenfell .
5 The attendants stood back to allow Erlich and the Station Chief to go on their own to the centre of the room where the two stretchers were parked on their wheeled bases , draped with green sheeting .
6 Then , as she passed the door of the room where the dancing was , Robert appeared , and there was nothing for it but to repeat Dawn 's message .
7 Close the door to the room where the fire is .
8 And sometimes — ’ She looked away from Ben towards the corner of the room where a picture was hanging at a slight angle , and her head moved to one side as if to see it better .
9 It came from the corner of the room where the rope hung down .
10 One evening , while enjoying a cigarette , I noticed how the draught coming under the doors collected up the tobacco smoke and drifted it towards the opposite end of the room where a tank was .
11 The only sounds came from the other end of the room where the woman was splitting the artichokes and tossing them with a splash into a big plastic bowl .
12 " Oopsie-doopsie , me and my big mouth , " Slater said quietly to himself as Sara took Graham 's plastic tumbler and put it on the mantelpiece beside her own glass , then led him , stunned , unprotesting , through the crowd towards the room where the music was .
13 If there are dividing doors or partitions then we should only pay the cost of the replacement carpet in the room where the damage has occurred .
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