Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] from all over " in BNC.

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1 Scott Anderson was particularly pleased with an album of stamps from all over the world , commemorating the Wedding of the Prince and Princess of Wales ; and with his ‘ find ’ of the year , inside an ordinary catalogue , of something extraordinary – an envelope from the U.S. bearing a 1869 postmark .
2 Three issues each year cover a wide variety of topics from all over Europe and the magazine provides an invaluable forum for the exchange of experiences .
3 All the crop management methods are set out for growers in a document compiled by JS with the help of experts from all over the world .
4 First , came that Sunday when members of the congregation , with the help of friends from all over the City and beyond , even via Tiberias , on Lake Galilee , set to work to prepare the whole church for Christian Aid .
5 Violations — poaching in another household 's area — is referred to a special council of eunuchs from all over India and Pakistan which meets once a year .
6 They describe themselves as ‘ emigres from the South East ’ and truly delight in sharing their lovely home with visitors from all over the world .
7 She was buried at Cholsey where her grave has become a shrine for fans from all over the world .
8 Immediately following the invasion and on the basis of reports from all over the Reich , the SD registered ‘ the greatest surprise ’ and ‘ a certain dismay ’ ( though no major shock ) at the news .
9 Colleagues from the medical profession were joined by local MPs , lawyers , and a wide circle of friends from all over the country and further afield .
10 In Latin America , the Second Vatican Council was followed up by a meeting of bishops from all over the continent in Medellin , Colombia .
11 No two coalfields were the same , but if a general pattern can be discerned from the variety of experience it is that during the first half of the nineteenth century each region largely generated its own workforce from the natural increase of its population , but that the spectacular later developments drew not only upon local men who left the farms or rural crafts and industries in large numbers but also upon the surplus population of counties from all over the British Isles .
12 Early one morning , in the merry month of May , I stood in this dining room watching a group of climbers from all over the world being introduced to The Great Tradition .
13 The conference is expected to bring together a very diverse group of practitioners from all over the world and many leading world figures in practical systems thinking have agreed to attend .
14 On Eastbourne promenade we have created a tropical paradise with flowers from all over the world , and into this setting , flying around in the natural habitat are 100 's of LIVE butterflies .
15 The Rally will start at 11am and should be a really enjoyable day for detectorists from all over Ireland and any visitors from the mainland .
16 RIGHT The evidence from the site and the excavation itself has been reconstructed in a very vivid way at the Jorvik Viking centre , and is a very popular attraction for visitors from all over the world .
17 In 1971 following recommendations from both the World Health Organization and the International Union against the Venereal Diseases and Treponematoses ( IUVDT ) , a travelling seminar of experts from all over the world was convened to examine the service for sexually transmitted diseases in the United States , the training of the medical personnel and undergraduates , and to suggest ways in which these could be improved .
18 After a career in the British army , during which time he had done a great deal of fieldwork and excavation , and had amassed a collection of artefacts from all over the world , he spent the rest of his life studying and excavating archaeological sites on his estate .
19 This museum has the biggest collection of instruments from all over the world in Europe .
20 Compton House , another stately home , houses a fine collection of butterflies from all over the world .
21 A community venture from Herefordshire has won fourth prize amongst entries from all over Europe in ‘ La Village que J'Aime ’ — and the people of the Marcle Ridge are thrilled .
22 In the heyday of Napoleon 's conquests he had access to fossils from all over Europe and was thus in a position to make the first comprehensive study .
23 Turning the Map : Images from the Americas part one , Christopher Columbus reached America 500 years ago and amid the celebrations of his achievement this two-part exhibition by photographers from all over that continent reminds us that America is not just one country and Columbus ' arrival was not so much a discovery , but more the beginning of colonisation by Europeans ( until 21 Feb ) .
24 In about 1228 Henry moved to the papal court , where he wrote occasional verse for patrons from all over western Europe .
25 The Nordic ski touring community in Scotland is a friendly one , and Angela gives notice of this in her book , when she acknowledges a healthy exchange of information between skiers from all over the country .
26 Further data on these geomagnetic reversals were collected and by the mid-1960s a chronology of reversals had been established through the radiometric dating of a large number of samples from all over the world .
27 Here the streets were alive with the chatter of tongues from all over Europe and the Middle East — the central meeting place of cultures , philosophies and religions , in which many found their roots .
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