Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun] [conj] gave they " in BNC.

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1 The British Medical Association was founded in 1832 and the Medical Registration Act of 1858 granted doctors a monopoly on the practice of medicine and gave them important powers of self-government .
2 And he went into the main agent in Edinburgh and gave them an order for three of those , and of course , we did n't get them just right away because er probably we 'd have got the last one about a couple of years later in these days .
3 In setting himself such a standard , Herbert sought to fulfil the ambition expressed when he was ordained : ‘ Though the iniquity of the late times have made clergymen meanly valued and the sacred name of priest contemptible ; yet I will labour to make it honourable , by consecrating all my learning and all my poor abilities to advance the glory of God that gave them . ’
4 Thus the ‘ qualities ’ covered a wider range of sports but gave them proportionately much less space overall than the populars .
5 In short Moses Moses revealed to that like the Egyptians each generation of Jews that gave them their character in general which is that today
6 A couple of hours earlier , on a hunch , Hermann Goering rang down to his main office in Carinhall and gave them a Stockholm number to obtain .
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