Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] all [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I recall as a boy watching in admiration as Mr. Harry Martin , the signwriter wrote The Brewery Tap all along the front of the building , some thirty feet above street level .
2 Ample free car parking all around the hotel .
3 And there was plenty of crap strewn all over the pavement , so he had to be more careful .
4 Like all children , his mind jumps all over the place .
5 bit this traffic because there 's snow falling all over the county there are going to be people erm in all sorts of er er problems .
6 In Munich , the Stalingrad disaster prompted the group of students who , largely inspired by moral and religious idealism , had the previous year formed the ‘ White Rose ’ movement and circulated anti-Nazi leaflets in Munich University , to stage a suicidally brave public demonstration of their detestation for Hitler and Nazism in a defiant manifesto displayed all over the university buildings :
7 The brown paper bag tied with white string hit the pavement , split and corn went all over the place .
8 Her tilted smile put the usual dent , something just less than a dimple , at the corner of her mouth as she pulled on a robe bought only three days previously , sumptuous emerald silk with an elaborate multicoloured dragon embroidered all over the back .
9 The reaction that thriller writer Derek Raymond received for his most recent novel , I Was Dora Suarez , was disconcerting in the extreme : his editor vomited all over the fist chapter .
10 Jackie Gardner takes exhibits to horticultural shows all over the country and the nursery has just picked up a Gold Medal at Chelsea .
11 ‘ Ca n't read a sodding map , gets his human body splattered all over the street , then takes off without a by your leave or kiss my elbow .
12 But the writers of the books of the Bible did n't want us to be put off and as we look closer , it 's easy to see the human touches that the Bible includes all along the way .
13 Rock'n'Roll explodes all over the scene .
14 I 've no doubt the joke went all round the Officer 's Mess .
15 The ball flies all over the place .
16 The company sent the editor a gift of a new product , with his name emblazoned all over the top .
17 I suppose they saw their company name blazoned all over the media .
18 He left the bathroom in a terrible mess , with water slopped all over the floor and the towel sopping .
19 All he 's worried about is getting wickets , and he 's , as I think I said yesterday he starts to feel a bit frustrated with his lax control , the ball flows all over the place and then somehow or other he 's got at the , the real quality batsmen in the opposition side , he 's got DaSilva out , might have been a slightly lucky dismissal caught down the leg side and he 's got him out and he 's done that in every match he 's played , he 's given away runs pretty rapidly , but he keeps getting vital wickets as well .
20 In the punishment cells last week , Rudakov , who is the Political Officer , kicked over a man 's slop bucket and the water ran all over the floor .
21 He is very knowledgeable about Cayman history and has been metal detecting all over the Cayman Island .
22 I 've g I 've got about a half a dozen sheets of paper scattered all over the place , and I 've decided to do it in this cos then I can just go to here .
23 All I could think of were the smelly corridors , the dirty waiting room with cigarette butts all over the floor , the stares of the officers , the bunches of keys at their waists .
24 Steel goes by rail to engineering works all over the country .
25 This does n't mean that the conclusion that life exists all around the universe is necessarily wrong .
26 Guided by the Chief Officer , the county became one of the first to introduce comprehensive schools of a new style , as well as fresh methods of teaching in its primary schools , and an immense explosion of organized music teaching all over the county .
27 The bang of the door resounded all over the house .
28 The movie 's dilemma is that its luxurious pace ambles all over the shop , never really getting anywhere or bringing any of the characters to a satisfying conclusion .
29 we 've done very well for escaping it , the only trouble is we have n't got the rain and now , this , this coming summer I dread to think what 's gon na happen , look how dry those fields are , just look at it if we get a wind up , if we , a wind starts to blow it 'll move a lot of this , it will just lift it up into the air , we 'll get clouds of soil blowing all over the place .
30 The answer to our question — of how much luck we are allowed to postulate — depends upon whether our planet is the only one that has life , or whether life abounds all around the universe .
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