Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] be reduced to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 THE 20-storey building has been reduced to rubble , newsprint supplies are fast running out , there is very little electricity , communications are almost non-existent and every day journalists risk their lives getting the news into , and out of , Oslobodjenje .
2 The man 's clothing had been reduced to rags and he was loaded with fetters .
3 New management meetings have been established : the management team has been reduced to Winter plus the Food and Beverage and Accommodation Managers .
4 Evidently , the definition has been reduced to 65% of its original length .
5 When the functions of the state had been reduced to routine accounting and control by the workers themselves , public functions would lose their political character ‘ and be transformed into simple administrative functions ’ ( p. 84 ) .
6 Even in the NUAW 's strongest area less than one-quarter of the strike notices had been obeyed and the union had been reduced to penury .
7 Centres which received some damage included Norwich and Birmingham whilst in Bristol the square in which the deaf centre stood was reduced to rubble except for the deaf centre , which was unscathed except for blasted windows .
8 Nonetheless the 1991–92 figure clearly needed to be brought back to a more affordable level , and during the ‘ star chamber ’ exercise in the spring to which referred last year , the contract with Westminster Strategy ( our PR consultants ) was renegotiated , and the budgeted figure for the current year has been reduced to £170,000 .
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