Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] be [adv] reduced to " in BNC.

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1 Since then the quota has been further reduced to the extent where the British fishing industry is very seriously threatened .
2 I think erm there is a erm a size issue that enters into that particular consideration , erm clearly erm if you build a small new settlement very close to an existing large settlement , then the prospects for that being reasonably self contained are much reduced to that of a larger new settlement in the same location , and I would agree that the further in in general the further you move away from an existing centre then the likelihood is that that settlement will become more self contained .
3 He never in fact produced the list ( which in a speech the next day had been mysteriously reduced to 57 ) but his smear tactics worked in an atmosphere of fear .
4 In spite of the fact that since the Clean Air Act of 1956 , pollution caused by smoke has been greatly reduced to the benefit of those who live in the cities , we must not fool ourselves into thinking that there is no longer any problem .
5 Volcanicity had been again reduced to a minimum , though what there was showed itself very significantly along the line of the future Hercynian front .
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