Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] from [art] corner [prep] " in BNC.

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1 3 Number the ½cm marks from 1 to 12 along one side and 12 to 1 along the other side starting from the corner of the angle .
2 She had a vision of Adamus walking up the wall of the house in the black of the moon , his pale face lifted and a trickle of blood running from the corner of his mouth .
3 Turning the eye reveals a different view through the cubic grid ; the three point geometry is based upon a pyramid sliced from the corner of a cube .
4 The door was eventually opened by a scowling man , cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth , towel around his waist , shaving soap on his face and a razor in his hand , getting ready for his night shift .
5 Oscar was crouched over his wheel , his dead cigarette hung from the corner of his thin mouth .
6 A squashed hand-rolled cigarette dangled from the corner of his mouth .
7 When we went into the foyer , there was a uniformed porter on duty at the desk and a small dark man in his early fifties standing at the window looking out at the rain , a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth .
8 Liam Devlin sat at the piano in the Lights of Lisbon , a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth , a glass of wine on one side .
9 Jack Scamp had a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth .
10 We lie together beneath the crumpled warm sheet , and a tear trickles from the corner of my eye as if Jancey was dead .
11 A single tear escaped from the corner of her eye but she made no move to look away .
12 A tear fell from the corner of Jinkwa 's eye .
13 The first she knew of the assault was a motion glimpsed from the corner of her eye : a blurred form approaching her at speed through the thickening sleet .
14 A scar ran from the corner of his eye to under his jawbone , and his tattooed arms rested on the desk in front of him , which was covered with mementoes of his Legion career .
15 The window had , during the summer months , more than its fair share of flies , whilst the proprietor was never to be seen in the shop without a flat black cap on his head and cigarette end dangling from the corner of his mouth .
16 A fine trickle of drool leaked from the corner of his mouth .
17 His eyes grew bulbous and a small trickle of spittle crept from the corner of his mouth .
18 A thread of spittle ran from the corner of his mouth and down his chin .
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