Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [not/n't] go down [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I hear that editor David Thomas 's valedictory piece did not go down too well either .
2 One publication to her name , and a slim book called Helpmeets without irony does n't go down well with today 's feminists .
3 This remark did not go down well with Alcuin , who thought he was being criticized , but we can see what it meant to the late ninth-century writer who reported it .
4 But the pomp and splendour did not go down so well with Craig Chalmers .
5 My answer did not go down well with the Officer with the lather on his face .
6 When they have been eating out all the time they have been away , and are longing for an evening at home , the suggestion does not go down well .
7 That connection does not go down well with many people who vote Liberal Democrat .
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