Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] the table " in BNC.

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1 As each slightly shamefaced figure came up to the table , she peered intently at the face , muttered ‘ Sweet or dry ? ’ and then poured from one of her bottles as if administering Syrup of Figs or Cod Liver Oil to the infant sick .
2 He put the card face down on the table and brushed off the torn fragments of paper with the side of his sore hand .
3 His fist crashed on to the table .
4 Others sprang to the defence of their rulers and the argument became furious until a heavy fist banged down on the table and bottles and food went flying .
5 He washed up and tidied up , and put the baize cover back on the table .
6 During the silence that followed Joe experienced the most odd feeling , for he had the desire to reach out across the table and to take her hand : not Maggie 's , but this woman 's , the hand of this woman who would never see sixty again .
7 The waiter arrived back at the table and Fernando stood to speak to him .
8 Rudakov 's body surged up over the table , his arm snatched at the collar of Holly 's tunic , pulled him up from his chair .
9 Lizzie was waiting for him one morning when the waitress came over to the table .
10 Sweetheart was sitting in her favourite chair with her legs crossed at the knee and a magazine spread out on the table before her .
11 You get a nice space to sit down at the table
12 The gendarme came over to the table and began a long address to Lambert , who listened politely , commenting ‘ Peut-être ’ , from time to time .
13 The man sat down at the table and Marcus put water in the kettle .
14 The mother and daughter sat down at the table .
15 Ward 's left hand crashed down on the table , spilling coffee from the cup he had just filled .
16 During the meal a great spider crawled on to the table cloth and I went to kill it with the leg of chicken I was gnawing , but Benjamin stopped me .
17 The room was full of the cheerful clutter of a family on holiday — books , maps and a camera flung on to the table .
18 Then we fell on the food set out on the table .
19 Janet had my breakfast laid out on the table and sat there grinning an insane grin at me .
20 Suddenly the taverner came back to the table .
21 Soon after we arrived , the whole family sat down at the table for dinner .
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