Example sentences of "[pers pn] would [adv] take [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I would n't take no shit from nobody .
2 I would n't take a bet on it , if I were you ! ’
3 I would n't take an egg from the village folk .
4 I would n't take the Ariel A147 on the mountains again but would use it at low level campsites .
5 I would n't take no no I would n't take the golf clubs with me .
6 uh uh I would n't take the chance
7 I would n't take the picture for a million dollars .
8 She would n't take no notice .
9 She would n't take a groom with her although I warned her that the fog might come down later . "
10 But she would n't take the blame , because she had done nothing to encourage it .
11 I had few worries that she would suddenly take an interest in American history , but she might notice something out of place and the combination lock looked much more sophisticated than it actually was .
12 You would n't take a clarinet out of a box and put it together crooked .
13 And all the rime you knew that you would never take the risk of getting shot which this involved or have the necessary patience to carry it out .
14 And if she flung Rupert and Ianthe together they would probably take a dislike to each other .
15 rotting away they would n't take the rubbish would they ?
16 It was that inborn sense of duty that motivated people like Joanna They would automatically take the helm .
17 Perhaps Mr Milburn would give the people of Darlington a commitment that he would not take an MP 's salary .
18 He would not take the crown ; therefore ‘ t is certain he was not ambitious
19 He would not take the money .
20 ‘ Of course he would n't take a bribe from you , or anyone , come to that , and especially someone trying to bribe him out of the country because of a woman — one he happens to love very much . ’
21 He would n't take the hint , though .
22 If things turned out well he would quietly take the credit .
23 By night he kept himself from the usual evenings with Henry and Betty , thinking to leave them some space for a time , and he would often take a sleeping pill at eight , before dinner , because sleep had grown difficult .
24 Graham was adamant he would never take the England captain 's job because of all the hassles involved .
25 His relations gave him up , deploring his French expedition and the revolutionary sympathies it so clearly implied , and despairing that he would ever take the opportunities available to him for making a career in the Church or the law .
26 Once the beer can had been invented , that is evolved , in one place , it was inevitable that it would eventually take the place of the bottle all over the world , though the process is still going on .
27 ‘ It was going all right , but now it wo n't go at all , ’ she added more slowly , as she struggled for composure and it dawned on her that with a GB plate stuck on the back of her car that it would n't take a genius to work out that she was probably English .
28 Mr Lamb said : ‘ It would n't take a lot of money to celebrate the event .
29 It would probably take a week of rain like this to reduce the forest-fire hazard . ’
30 It would probably take an earthquake or an overnight plunge in the market value of Swaledale sheep ( or both ) to raise the communal eyebrow .
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