Example sentences of "[pers pn] are more likely [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I venture to suggest you are more likely to turn to the books of both authors after reading their contributions in Esquire .
2 When you telephone someone you are more likely to intrude at an inconvenient time and not realize it .
3 The data underline the fact that you are more likely to succeed with people if you think about your behaviour and select and use behaviours that help rather than hinder progress towards your objective .
4 Not only does this mean that you are more likely to get at the truth , but it is also likely to be more fruitful for whatever purpose you have in mind .
5 This is a village of wide gabled houses , every one with window boxes full of colourful flowers ; of streets where you are more likely to come across a lumbering hay cart in no hurry at all , rather than an impatient motorist blasting his horn at everything in his way , and of friendly locals .
6 Once you have learned to see the difference between your own three Faces , you are more likely to look behind the mask presented by others and to understand them better .
7 Vary what you do , so that you are more likely to stick to a regular programme .
8 If we understand a horse 's emotions we are more likely to succeed in getting it to do what we want , and prevent it doing what we do n't want .
9 Feeling reflective and pensive we are more likely to reach for a sensitive ultramarine or restful cobalt than a stinging chrome yellow or vivid lime .
10 We are more likely to operate with a rather loose form of inferencing which leads us to believe that the hats and coats mentioned in ( 8 ) belong to visitors to the house which has the dresser in its kitchen .
11 They are more likely to go to your door with the money at the ready .
12 People are not merely dupes , but are more likely to accept uncritically a line which is constantly propagated by the media if it does n't touch them personally ; otherwise they are more likely to insist on making up their own minds .
13 On the other hand they are more likely to arise with larger samples simply on common sense grounds : the investigator 's distance from the data is increased through the involvement of others ( interviewers , research assistants , coders , etc ) in data-gathering and processing , and possible occasions for the introduction of bias are thereby multiplied .
14 and you 've got a group , the rich within the agricultural sector who are going to invest and they are more likely to invest in agriculture .
15 Breaches of pollution control are more likely to be picked up ; they are more likely to lead to enforcement action , possibly criminal prosecution ; more and more remediation is demanded ; and they are more likely to have an impact on a company 's image — and hence exact a heavier toll on company profits .
16 When 24-hour staffing is provided by the ward or department team , they are more likely to respond to requests for a change in working arrangements to meet an unavoidable staffing shortfall .
17 However , small businesses also need to forecast and they are more likely to rely on judgement alone .
18 As for differences between Ipswich and Newham , Table 4.4 indicates that in Newham people in poorer home care circumstances ( in both action and control samples ) are remaining at home compared with Ipswich ; in particular they are more likely to suffer from persistent wandering , to live alone , and to have no closely involved informal carer .
19 For every girl they take in there are many more who end up in bed and breakfast where they are more likely to suffer from living alone in unsuitable accommodation .
20 Because they are more likely to default on repayments , they would have to pay higher rates of interest than older married couples with small families .
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