Example sentences of "[pers pn] was assumed that [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was assumed that a number of serving ministers from Hun Sen 's Cambodian People 's Party ( CPP , the new name chosen in October by what had been the Khmer People 's Revolutionary Party or KPRP ) would resign to make way for representatives of the monarchist Funcinpec Party led by Sihanouk 's son Norodom Ranaridh .
2 A member of the mathematics advisory team was invited by the headteacher to work in the school and while it was not compulsory , it was assumed that every teacher would work with him at some stage .
3 Second , it was assumed that the gas would be evenly mixed in the air , so that no dangerous concentrations would occur .
4 It was assumed that the spread of middle class attitudes would radically alter allegiances at work , in particular .
5 A master who freed a slave could take back his freedom three times in succession ; after the third time it was assumed that the judgement of the master could no longer be trusted .
6 Initially it was assumed that the objective would be for the villages to farm on a communal basis .
7 Many of Winterthur 's wealthier citizens had already built their villas outside in the country , and it was assumed that the space cleared by destroying the walls would go the same way .
8 In the event , few attempts at car restraint were made because it was assumed that the money would be found for reconstruction , but in the crisis-ridden post-1960s British economy , available funds never approached the levels needed for a widespread application of environmental area principles .
9 It was assumed that the stress followed a path similar to that sketched in Figure 6(a) .
10 Despite ritualistic genuflections from time to time towards the value of local democracy , it was assumed that the purpose of local government was more or less consensually agreed to be the local delivery of a set of services enshrined in centrally determined statutes .
11 In this initial presentation of the passive rifting model it was assumed that the amount of extension was uniform throughout the lithosphere ( Fig. 4.1 7(A) ) .
12 At the time of sentencing , it was assumed that the car was worthless , having been stolen from the appellant and returned to him in a damaged condition : it had subsequently been established that the car was worth £3,000 .
13 In Albert v. Lavin it was assumed that the defendant was guilty of assaulting in the execution of his duty an off-duty policeman who was seeking to prevent a breach of the peace .
14 When the current collusion controversy began , it was assumed that the bulk of the problem lay with the UDR .
15 It was assumed that the food reinforcement in some way strengthened the response tendencies that led to the food , at the expense of other response tendencies .
16 It was assumed that the investment return would be 9% per annum , that salary increases would average 7% per annum and that present and future pensions would increase at the rate of 4% per annum .
17 Until recently , it was assumed that the section would operate only where the pursuer had a specific Conclusion in his Summons seeking provisional damages , but a recent opinion of Lord McCluskey is to the effect that the pursuer can make an application that his case be treated as one seeking provisional damages at any stage during the case .
18 For years it was assumed that the bear of Croisset broke out of his bearishness solely with Louise Colet — ‘ the only sentimental episode of any importance in the life of Flaubert , ’ Emile Faguet declared .
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