Example sentences of "[pers pn] was just [art] question of " in BNC.

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1 This cemented his place in the Test team , although it would be another year or so before he was given the new ball , and then it was just a question of piling up the scalps as the main strike bowler .
2 Although Modigliani had promised openly to marry Jeanne , it was just a question of arranging the papers …
3 It was just a question of Mind over Matter , I thought , and tried to steel myself against the physical effects of an increasingly rough ride .
4 Now it was just a question of waiting to make sure the surgery had worked .
5 But I knew it would work , I knew it was the perfect register for it ; it was just a question of the right tonality and the right feeling .
6 I did not realise it was just a question of dialect ; I thought it was a question of grammar or , if you do not like that word , of logic .
7 I 've seen most of the programmes and for Mastermind it was just a question of re-reading all the Dr Who books again . ’
8 Mostly the waiter would go along with this , sensing that Oliver was one of those customers who did not , for all their enquiries , actually want any advice , and it was just a question of slowly reeling him in like a fish .
9 R : in those days + when we were young + there was no local fire engine here + it was just a two-wheeled trolley which was kept in the borough + in the borough eh store down on James Street + and whenever a fire broke out + it was just a question of whoever saw the fire first yelling ‘ Fire ’ + and the nearest people ran for the trolley and how they got on with it goodness knows + nobody was trained in its use + anyway everybody knew to go for the trolley + well + when we were children + we used to use this taw [ t– : ] + it smouldered furiously + black thick smoke came from it and we used to get it burning + and then go to a letter box and just keep blowing + open the letter box + and just keep blowing the smoke in + you see + till you 'd fill up the lower part of the house with nothing but smoke + there was no fire + but just fill it up with smoke + just to put the breeze up + just as a joke + and then of course + when somebody would open a window or a door the smoke would come pouring out + and then + everybody was away then for the trolley + we just stood and watched all of them + +
10 It was just a question of — how shall I say ? — implementing it . ’
11 He had given up years ago the delusion that all men were homosexual at heart , and that it was just a question of finding the key to unlock their repressed desires .
12 ‘ They had a range that was selling , but with no one actually involved in planning it ; it was just a question of whatever anyone thought was pretty going in with no production schedules , no set ranges for satisfactory colour matching . ’
13 Steen was certainly around somewhere ; it was just a question of waiting ; and , in the meantime , fishing .
14 It was just a question of time .
15 There seemed no point , unless it was just a question of wanting to get the last word .
16 It was just a question of finding it .
17 After the tourist season finished , and various cars were either written off or collapsed or whatever , you know whoever had a car was put forward as the picket you know er the leader of that picket er shift , and then it was just a question of working round .
18 The department had always been able to prosecute unhygienic premises it was just a question of finding them .
19 If it was just a question of effort , the pit would be in no danger . ’
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