Example sentences of "[pers pn] is true that [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is true that over the years a few railway signalmen have been convicted of manslaughter for wrongful acts and omissions leading to fatal train crashes , but there is not the natural resort to the criminal law which is now a feature of road-traffic cases .
2 It is true that during the 1991/92 presidential year a certain amount of friction occurred between Moorgate Place and the district societies , but it should be made clear that this was almost entirely due to the funding problems and not because of any breakdown in the relationship between the national president and the district society presidents .
3 It is true that during the passage of the Bill , section 10 was explained as being intended to reflect the position at common law , in which there is respectable authority for the proposition that the client 's legal privilege can not attach to communications made with criminal intent .
4 It is true that during the match the Linfield fans created trouble , but it was among themselves by throwing bottles at each other .
5 It is true that to the shame of all the factions the grand question of the continued independence of the Realm itself is not being presented as an issue .
6 It is true that on the embryonic Budapest Stock Exchange only 10 ( ten ! ) shares were quoted on May 1991 , and the number of deals on the day were only 280 .
7 It is true that on the one hand the Vice-Chancellor defined the purpose of section 236 in terms which suggest such a limitation , as Hoffmann J. thought , at p. 102 :
8 Of course , it is true that outside the small clearing of what we know lies the unexplored forest of what we do not know .
9 While it is true that without the transport sector 's contribution , the overall rate of investment in the economy would not have exceeded 10 per cent of national income by 1815 , concentration on such macro-economic data tends to obscure the fact that the financing of improvements in transport was above all an example of regional capital formation .
10 It is true that in the late 1430s the English suffered some reverses and territorial losses .
11 It is true that in the eighteen years she has been here I have never heard her speak .
12 It is true that in the first aid world the manual is regarded as a sort of bible .
13 It is true that in the law relating to misrepresentation , the seller can not be liable for failing to disclose defects in the goods but only for any actual statements made by him or his agents .
14 It is true that in the case of Buckinghamshire County Council v Moran Slade LJ attached considerable significance to the fact that the land there in question had been fenced off and the gate locked , but the position it seems to me is quite different in a metropolitan context such as one finds in Brighton .
15 It is true that by the time of Law 's dismissal the number of Councils had grown to 1,005 .
16 While it is true that by the turn of the century both middle and working class women were profoundly affected by the gospel of maternalism preached by the medical profession , imperialists and politicians , it is also possible to find examples of straightforward resistance to physicians both on the grounds that they encouraged middle class women to lead idle lives and that they posed a threat to female modesty .
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