Example sentences of "[pers pn] 'd [verb] [prep] her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She was scared I 'd interfere with her baby .
2 She 'd sit in her dressing-gown by the window and try to listen for the electric trams on the distant street , anything to give some kind of shape or structure to her day , but the noise made even this impossible .
3 I mean when she is , is on her own I presume she 'd go to her room if she wants ?
4 ‘ Oh , hen , you 're a messy one , ’ she 'd say with her laugh .
5 But the island covered three thousand , six hundred and forty square kilometres , she 'd read in her guide book , and the chances of running in to him must be the equal amount of kilometres to one anyway .
6 Once in the comfort of her room she 'd look through her guide again for likely possibilities , she decided .
7 Sometimes she 'd turn on her heel , snarling , and lunge at a dog that had gradually edged over and positioned itself expectantly behind her .
8 For a moment after she 'd come in her face had gone all stiff , as if she were trying not to cry .
9 I though we 'd sit on her step , like we always did , and share out the Cadbury 's , and I 'd tell her about our school and she 'd tell me all about the nuns and everything , but when she opened the door she just stood there , all clean and different in her stiff long uniform still , and said , " I ca n't possibly play out tonight .
10 All of us assumed that she 'd wandered off to die alone and that , sooner or later , we 'd come across her body , sprawled in a ditch or hidden from view in a clump of thorn trees .
11 If she warned Ace what her father expected of him he 'd laugh in her face .
12 He had , apparently , seen the Texan making an unwanted play for her and he 'd come to her rescue so that he could put her in his debt for a future evening .
13 It was as if he 'd come to her mother like a refugee , because there were no mementoes of his childhood or his youth .
14 She also noticed that at times Silas left his table to chat with his guests , and even as she wondered if he 'd come to her table he sat in the chair opposite her , his presence making her feel warm .
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