Example sentences of "[pers pn] knew was that [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 He slipped something in my wine and the next thing I knew was that we were on the Continent .
2 All I knew was that it was buried somewhere in the middle of that sea of bricks ’ ( Orwell , 1939 ; 1962 edn , p. 117 ) .
3 All she knew was that she was cold and hungry and thirsty , that she had not slept for more than few minutes at a time and that all her thoughts were with Tristram .
4 All she knew was that she was back at the closed door with a tray , wondering what Harold and Felicity might be doing on the other side .
5 All she knew was that she was turning into McAllister again , Dr Neil 's pert and lively maid , and that this was the haven which she had unconsciously been seeking in the months since Havvie Blaine had assaulted her .
6 All that she knew was that he was increasingly away from home , at meetings , conferences .
7 All we knew was that they were not there when we needed them , and we blamed them .
8 ‘ All we knew was that we were walking down the street and people were throwing eggs .
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