Example sentences of "[pers pn] saw that [pron] was [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I howled even more when I saw that everyone was laughing at me , Andreas , my mother , various passers by .
2 Before I was in the band if I saw that something was happening that I did n't like I 'd say nothing and go along with it .
3 Higher and higher the shaking hand pushed the skirts until I saw that she was wearing a pair of white calico drawers , and remembering the black lace French knickers with their little rosebud trimmings , I understood .
4 First , I saw that she was chosen , and that for all time ‘ all generations will call [ her ] blessed ’ ( Luke 1.48 ) .
5 I thought he was only joining in to please me , but before long I saw that he was enjoying it too , chiefly I think because to him it was a novelty .
6 When I 'd finished the first prayer and turned to face him , I saw that he was kneeling .
7 This happened on the Sunday in question , and as I watched him climb the stairs , dragging himself up by the banister , I saw that he was sweating heavily .
8 I saw that he was examining my face during the same silence .
9 The prisoner ran like a wild goat , and soon I saw that he was coming near the bottom of my hill .
10 As I passed the palatial ship of Gharr the Gherpotean , I saw that it was shut up tight , with no sign of activity .
11 I saw that I was intended to be subject to people like these two , was doomed to marry Syl as surely as I had been born of my mother .
12 I saw that I was going to have to find a job before I did something rash which landed me in prison .
13 She saw that he was looking at her .
14 Raising her unwilling eyes to his , she saw that he was looking down at her intently , his grey eyes shadowed , a slight twist to his lips , as if he was trying to read her face .
15 When he turned , she saw that he was trembling .
16 She turned to look at him and , even in the dim light , she saw that he was gazing at her meaningly .
17 And hearing him Minch was pleased , for she saw that he was learning to understand others and would be ready for the harder lessons she would give him in the coming year .
18 The harsh strength in his face did n't weaken , but she saw that he was listening with cold concentration to her words .
19 When she looked back at Petion , she saw that he was watching her with a sympathetic expression .
20 When she turned to ask him she saw that he was blushing painfully .
21 She saw that he was shaking .
22 When she finally spun around , she saw that he was striding around the side of the barn to the kitchen .
23 He looked at her sideways and she saw that he was laughing .
24 When she came to , she saw that he was carrying her across the field , past the cottage and up the track towards his Jaguar .
25 Outrage turned to agitation when she saw that he was jamming the key in the lock with such force that the flesh on his fingers was turning white .
26 She saw that she was dressed entirely in jewels …
27 She saw that it was covered with badly printed words , amongst which ‘ Wellwisher ’ stood out .
28 Now , about to cross , she saw that it was swirling much more swiftly than when she had crossed before and fallen in .
29 She saw that I was looking pale and vacant and told me to sit down .
30 When they looked closer they saw that he was whipping , not a fallen beast , but a spindly-legged Annamese ; both carts , they could see , contained refuse and had shafts front and back that terminated in cane , big wooden halters that were locked around the necks of four sweating Annamese .
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